>frame trap someone
>he mashes invincible assist
>get hit into TOD
le ORZ
lol are you agreeing with me or not? I’ve had people stucking in a corner for 20 seconds taking 300k worth of chip since they don’t know what they can and can’t punish lol, until they break and get hit for a 800k combo. I’m going to miss this Dante
Actually, Driver would be Dante’s new move in Ultimate where he hops on a rocket powered motorcycle, drives straight up the side of the screen, and automatically wins the game.
Shout outs to DMC3 cutscenes, some of the best things in all of video games:
Well maybe they should have had Tron or Haggar so they could mash out of those frame traps. This is Marvel, you can solve everything with mashing.
You can’t call assists in block stun though, and crystal catches that bullshit.
I’m gonna try using Crystal more often to catch those invincible assists. You can actually link st.l after it on grounded opponents (and on airborne guys you get whatever you want). land crystal on assist->s.L->reverb shock->fireworks. Otg with crystal again and again because assists can be otg’d indefinitely (and everything is hard knockdown to an assist)…man I REALLY want to try this.
A frame trap means they have to exit blockstun at some point. If they’re stuck in blockstun the whole time, it’s a lockdown. If it’s a frame trap, they can mash invincible assists and invincible moves.
Honestly, I don’t believe in frame traps in marvel. Frame advantage goes out of the way with XF guard cancels(hur durr, I punished your +20 on block move nigga, what you gonna do now that dante’s dead)
Of course, they’re good to beat mashy scrubs, but better players will be mashing the right buttons. It’ll probably work once, but prepare to get XF guard crushed next time you try it.
I prefer staggering normals to bait bad advance guards and using assists to keep people locked down. That and any jump cancel techniques that blow up XF guard cancels.
Less useful than multilock? Maybe Im using that move incorrectly. Oh and how many frames of invincibility did hammer have in vanilla? I thought it was 8 but reading the posts on this page have led to believe it was somewhere around 15. I like dantes changes overall, considering he was arguably the best character in vanilla I think he got by pretty darn clean, particularly since capcom decided to buff his DT. I do wish they would give him access to fly combos in DT, I mean he is dante the combo character, I find it baffling that he is one of the few who can’t combo in flight mode.
Multi lock IMO is starting to become basically a better version of acid rain that scales less. Can do the same mix ups with it that you can with acid rain during welcome setups. If you cover the start up with a strong projectile assist and charge up to about level 3 you can use it to set up a free teleport for offense starting. Basically like a hysteric that needs to be charged longer but moves across the screen much faster.
No one wants to blow xfactor level one for an unsure kill, which is what that would be since I can bold cancel the shit at anytime. I mean I’ve done this shit to pretty competent players, I don’t play scrubs.
mark my words
if you have ever hammered ever, in ultimate I’m going to air throw THE FUCK out of you
fuck hammer, fuck dante, bible black, burr burr, etc and so forth
Sorry, haven’t been keeping up-to-date with Dante’s changes, but I’m assuming Acid Rain loops are gone in Ultimate yeah?
You can’t bold cancel crystal, though. I’m not even sure how you’re frame trapping people with that. Are they not pushblocking the normals you’re doing before?
Staggering normals to beat bad advance guards, but frame trapping with crystal? But eh, whatever works for you man.
My execution was really bad at Norcal Versus Capcom, however here were the changes I noticed about Dante, likely all old news, but anyone who thinks he’s not good any more smoked way too much crack.
+Still ridiculous.
+Reverb shock still completely unchanged, fireworks unchanged, stinger unchanged. This alone insures he’s still ridiculous.
+Scrubby combo ender of 3CC, S, /-, 236A~A, -/, 3CC, 6C xx 2A+S, 2S, S, -/, 623B~B, 623B~B, still worked just fine in the corner.
+Volcano, assist, jump S still works.
+DT triple jump is amazing for movement, paired with jump S thunderbolt cancel and vortex he can control air space even better than before. Unlike Hammer vortex is still totally in tact.
+All of the new characters I tried got a ton of help from Jam session assist. Still a very dominant helpful tool for any team.
+DHC into devil trigger still turns unsafe things into massively + on block situations that let you do huge damage with Dante.
-Hammer has no invincibility or at least not during the first active frames. I got beaten out of its early actives every time I went back to muscle memory and used it.
-Stinger for wall bounce teleport either doesn’t work mid screen or requires different timing. When I did it they just continued flying a total of 2 screen lengths instead of wall bouncing for me to combo.
-Normals feel a little worse.
Hmm the stinger thingy happened to me before, I teleported and dante appeared behind them before they hit the wall and they kept moving towards the wall. Could mean that the teleport is faster or that the speed at which they travel during stinger is a bit slower.
Hammer not being startup invincible is something I can live with. Did you try acid rain loops with the new simplified motions?
who is going to xfc a crystal at any thing other then point blank, and this shit is usually covered by an assist. I mean by no means is it foolproof or anything but its viable. I wish I had a video of what I do up, only thing I have is some shit games from FxS and in GF against rexor.
I didn’t try acid rain loops as most combos from me and everyone else were dropping for Dante, Viper, and any other character that took even an iota of timing. F-Champ was dropping Sentinel combos. The whole tempo of the game was weird, that said people will jump off the Dante bandwagon and baw about less damage, meter gain, normals and lack of hammer. Then the people that remain will still wreck shop because he still has more stupid tools than the vast majority of the cast. Has ridiculous mix up on incoming characters and or assisted. He also has thunderbolt and vortex which are among the most under rated yet incredibly powerful tools out there.
Hmmm looks like the overall increase in HSD people were talking about is true. Who actually won the tourney
F-champ won, Honzo took second (I got thunderbolt instead of vortex and lost all of Dante’s life to Arrows X-factor arrows), me and Curtie-pie took third.