um gief, honda, hakan. alot of the bigger characters or characters taht dont have the ryu hitboxes. works on gen, adon, cammy but its all about distance.
i was also gonna say, i know alot of people get tired of cannon strikes because cammy’s use it to close the gab safely. i found if u use focus from the the right distance will give u a crumple but enough time to back dash if u dont like it and still have enough to to aa with cr hp. i use it to make cammy’s stop because we all know. cammy HAS to be the aggressor in this match in order to win. i find the FA really works well on her specially if u get a reallllly good read
It’s all a matter of range. Plus sometimes it can work due to the opponent expecting to air to air (just as ST in fact). As you can see in Meteo’s video, as soon as the Honda player does adjust, it’s the claw player who gets counterhit. =)
I found it really easy to counter Cammys now. I found its more a measure of defence and patience if needed. She really isnt as tough as I thought she used to be. Of course, El Fuerte still remains a problem. Tips on that?
st lk. its like ur uber best method. keeps u level so u can react faster with jump back. jump back is ur best option. if u get caught. pray to the heavens and try to clutch a focus or a jump back. he doesnt do much damage as u think. he just keeps hitting you over and over. so one bad guess wont kill you but 20 will. dont try to poke him down either. its pointless. his run is godly
Once he had me in the corner I had no answers for his frame traps… I noticed I couldve landed U2 at 2:57 after watching the replay. As far as the other matches go I lost 10 straight and was left stupified lol.
I know I made some foolish mistakes but as far as the frame traps go, what are my offensive options in this situation? Defense wise, I pretty much caved… My defense is usually solid but I lost my mental guard here and in the matches that followed… Any suggestions guys?
As for Rose’s frame-traps :
— She is at +0 after a blocked HK-Spiral, when she does it from the right range (cLP cLP cLK cMP into HK Spiral), however that will leave her too far to cLP (her only 3 framer), so she will usually follow by a slower attack. Meaning most of the time she won’t be able to space another (almost) meaty HK Spiral. So if she hasn’t EX, you can strike back after the second wave
— She’s positive after a HP-Spark. However, startup is so slow that only cHP can provide enough stun for it to combo, so again she won’t be able to spam it endlessly. But do not press a button after the first one.
— When, she isn’t positive, but when she predicts a mid or high attack (cLP classically), she can always slide. And her frame advantage isn’t bad after it either. So careful with what normal you do strike back if she is slide happy.
So most of the time, you should block or backdash. If you’re cornered, make sure you’re not crouch teching against anything but cLP. Focus won’t help against her first wave of assault (but could do at the second/third if she slides). Note that if she adjust her strings in order to end positive, then there will be a slight gap between cMP cancel and HK-Spiral. Enough for you to U2 her, and maybe enough to jump out of it (although I’ve never tested that one, let’s say it’s experimental).
I need some help against players who do this tap tap throw combo. They will have figured out my pokes will kill them so they play safe and throw before my claw even gets to hit them. Of course there is throw tech but I hardly react in time and jumping seems nigh difficult here. Also any other good wakeup options aside from ST?
i kara stand tech a lot to counter those tap tap throws and/or frame traps. or you could just learn to delay tech, or you can focus tech back dash. my wake up option is also focus tech back dash as well. remember not to do it all the time so they can’t counter it
Thanks for the tips TriasNT, I really should study up on frame data. This definitely has to be my greatest weakness, I’ve always been more of a hands on player and have neglected the mathematics. I usually just try and see what works but it seems like in order to level up this time may need to hunker down and do my homework… Sigh I hate math lol
I was wondering if anybody knew how to deal with Dudley’s jump in HK?
It seems that move can just be thrown out liberally by Dudley players. If Dudley throws it out early in his jump it stuffs neutral jump HK, if he does it late it flat out beats scarlet terror or standing HK (even at maximum range)
a mixture of avoid via slide, focus, and block. You’re not going to beat it and at best you’ll get a trade not in your favor. You have to treat it like Dee Jay’s jLK and Viper’s jHK bullshit
Same here. You can also bjMP it if foreseen, but it is tough to achieve a proper counterhit on reaction. Do not attempt anything but high priority moves (meaning do not try regular STs), as this jump has a very poweful hitbox. =)
Well, if he is using the jiHK early to avoid air to air moves then you can easily punish his trip guard with crMK crMP xx EX FBA. The move has only 5 actives.
Its a gamble, but if he has that habit you can easily exploit it.
If he is jumping at you “normally”, air throw is decent assuming you have good reactions. Not awesome, but the tool is there.
Reactions aren’t the problem. It’s just that the hitbox range on that move is just short of, the same, or slightly longer than the grab range on Vega’s air grab
The problem is more that Claw’s airgrab hitbox is oriented down front, to catch opponents under him. Therefore, it will lose against almost every jump in as long as the opponent is up-close related to Claw.
Their really didn’t want it to be usable as emergency aa, it’s more a punish for predicted jump-ins. That’s also one of the reasons why it’s so bad against Guile’s air throw, range put aside. As all of Claw’s aas, it’s situational. =)
If the guy that jumps get its active first then you, you will lose.
If you get the air throw first or even at the same time you will win.
The throwable box of Dudley jiHK is a regular one. If he stick out something earlier, it can be anything between jiLP, MK, HP, LK or MK, it will beat the air throw.
So yeah. We have to react much, much faster in order to get an air throw. But its better against dive kicks and BKs at least.