Anyone have a good formula against chun li and zangeif? Them+Cammy+seth i struggle with:(
I wish I could give you good details about how to win, but mostly I can tell you what NOT to do.
Zangief - don’t get close, don’t play wake-up games with him when he has Ultra, always be ready for the safe jump to Ultra or Super.
NEVER EVER slide underneath him if he jumps. He gets a free SPD. Bye bye 35% of your life.
When he has ex flashing, always be very cautious. Your pokes aren’t so free. If he anticipates a poke from you, EX green hand has invincibility and will go through your poke, and then you’re going to feel pain.
Try to stay where your standing medium kick barely reaches him. Punish whatever he does with that, unless he jumps.
If you think he is about to jump, get him with a standing hard kick. He won’t be able to leave the ground.
When he jumps, first try to determine if he has a habit of throwing out an attack late or early. Late= jump up and air throw. Early = wait till he almost lands, walk back to space it right and standing hard kick, or you can try jump back medium kick, but I haven’t tested this extensively yet so take it with a grain of salt.
Note: If you land a few successful air throws, stop trying them because he will inevitably switch to attacking early in the air which beats your throw.
Be patient, always keep your distance and poke him. When you are getting close to being cornered, find an opportunity to charge and izuna out of there. Don’t try to hit him with the izuna unless he screws up and and whiffs something as you’re leaving the ground.
Green hand advances should always be punished with a throw.
If he gets you in the corner, your chances aren’t good. I have noticed however that you can be up against the wall and back dash. You won’t go anywhere, but you still get the invincibility frames and if you anticipate a command throw like SPD and you backdash you’ll literally see his hands go right through you and whiff.
I still suck hardcore at this match.
In my experience there is just too much variety in Seth players. You gotta figure it out on your own. They can play a Dhalsim type range game, or they can play an offensive triangle jumping cross up game, not to mention a nasty teleport game.
Luckily they don’t have a lot of life, so I don’t think this one is as hard as Balrog/Blanka/Sagat.
I suck at this one, too. Sasaki has put up some good notes at the beginning of the Match-up thread. I just know avoid neutral jump and back jump as escape techniques because she has eons of time to mash a cannon spike and punish you for free. They also throw a lot. Your airthrow outranges hers so abuse it if you can.
But I still struggle with these matches too, so I feel your pain.
You have to him out of a rush punch at some point. When you get stuck in that scenario, it’s almost game =( . Pretty much crouch option-select and attempt to get out of the corner when you have space.
Use safe-jumps on him a lot when he’s knocked down. His headbutt is rather slow. ONLY USE CR.MK AS MEATY, EVERYTHING ELSE WILL GET BEAT OUT. If he uses EX-Headbutt, that will beat everything including
Do not ever do empty Ultras unless you sense a rush punch coming. He can always counter with his BnB or Ultra on recovery.
GGs today Kamisama, you kicked my ass. Sorry I didn’t make it more intense, I tried to play some SF to take my mind off of some RL garbage but I didn’t expect to have to fight you. I’m really impressed with your level of play. A good thing is whenever I fight you and start losing I feel helpless. You always just seem to be doing Option B that beats my Option A, at all the right times. Plus as you know I’m terrible at countering RCF’s and Barcelona’s and thus you prey on me with them. Good job exploiting my weaknesses. The only time I really start to get some momentum in my favor is when I get you in the corner. Looks like my rushdown game is good right now, but I have to work on footsies / reinforcing my own weaknesses when people spot them.
Again, good shit man. Looks like I have to work on the mirror match up some more. Also, I notice I got you with my dash-ultra trick, did you end up doing the same to me? I was kind of zoned out but you hit me with an ultra at a strange time, did you do the dash into it?
Feel free to hit me up any time Kami. It’s great to play you not just for the mirror match work but for the frustration factor; in my opinion, being frustrating in this game is the best thing you can be, and I’ll admit, it’s very frustrating fighting you at times, because of what I said in the previous paragraph. GGs once again.
EDIT: Also, props on getting the Cosmic Heel, Scarlet Terror combo down. I highly suggest not doing the Cosmic Heel EX FBA anymore. It does a tiny bit more damage for the cost of 1 meter instead of 0, and ST does way more stun and sets up far more mix up opportunities. Now all you need to do is work on your Kara throw and its setups and your game will be REALLY solid.
Jajaja yea ggs. After you did that to me (focus dash ultra) I decided to do the same. I am really good at it because I am really good with my focus attack in general. What I did that time was focus dash forward in front of you and then ultra. You did a grab and whiffed and then got hit by ultra.
The only reason why I ever use cosmix heel into EX FBA is because its so much easier to do. The cosmic heel into ST I have to be dedicated to do it to actually do it in a match (so I usually do it after a focus attack where I know I can’t miss lol), whereas if I miss a cosmic heel I can be ready for a grab or w/e and if I hit I am so ready for the EX FBA. I hope this makes sense lol.
Also we both used the cr lp–> cr lk–> RCF pretty well. I think its a great combo that is underused. Another good combo that I tried out that works well is the st lk–>cr lp --> cr mp (although I still need alot of work on it cause this one is a little difficult to pull off, and this move can go right into FBA making it very useful).
Another combo that works great for this matchup is the crmk --> RCF. It has good range (bigger than using the cr lp or cr lk if I remember correctly).
Whats weird was when I got hit by your focus attacks from jumping in. Usually I dodge them 100% of the time when I use the backflip thingy, but everytime I pressed the backflip I got hit. Well w/e. GGs.
I have a quick question. Since Kara throws are canceling the frames of a HK into the throw, then would a normal throw be faster theoretically?
-Online against a gief i just charge down back and wait for them to try and jump or green glove in and hit them with a HK ST. Whenever your ahead in life just do this.
-If he isnt coming in walk up a bit and just throw out a HK. it’ll beat pretty much anything he has.
-If you knock him down you can go for the jump back HP since most giefs dont block when they get up.
-you pretty much just poke him with hk, hp, or mk the whole match.
-save your ex for full screen izunas. a lot of giefs will try to stay away when theyre are losing, look for when he takes a step forward and ex izuna his ass
chun is annoying.
-when she jumps at you always block high longer than you think cuz of that double punch BS
-get ready to block high and low(when she tries to mix up sweeps with that overhead) and expect a possible crossup on ur wakeup (that backflip kick)
- try not to jump at her too much and if you do, make sure to use the mp or mk
-when you knock her down use corpse hops into some mind games or a hp rcf (unless she has ultra or ex meter)
-if she has ex meter, bait the ex SBK. it’s her only real wakeup option
-when you know shes gona fireball, jump in with mp/mk (if ur about mid screen)
-if u jump or wall dive at her she will try to air grab, neutral jump hk, or jump at u with the double punch so she can try to stomp u after
Cammy is pretty simple
-charge down back and wait for her to try any of her specials and either just poke her back away or ST if ur quick enough
-NEVER jump or wall dive, ull prolly eat a srk from her (at least against the scrubby cammys)
-she has no overhead (that dive kick you can block low and it doesnt seem to cross up well)
-just counter everything she does, the only thing u have to worry about is her tick throws on ur wakeup. sometimes shell mix is with her spiral arrow
-I just poke away cuz trying any combos is pretty risky on her unless it’s a guaranteed one like one ending in an ex izuna
Seth isnt too hard
-right away focus and dash back, most will try to poke u right off the back, itll give u some free ultra meter
-If he jumps a lot this will be easy, that means you can walldive a lot or wal jump a lot
-dont try to get to him from the ground, you will most likely get poked to death (unless ur nice with focus absorbing and dashing forward.)
-he wants u to be far away or knocked down, so get in close and hit him with a lot of pokes or combos
-if he teleports at u just jump away (he will most likely try to spd you)
out of all four of these i find chuns to be the most annoying, they turtle and run away sooooo much and have some decent priority and defenses
and these strategies are for the typical online players, not pro players, so if ur losing at tourneys these may help, but not as much as it should online.
hope these help
i don’t know why i ever thought the rufus matchup was 5-5
WAIT, yes I do, I never fought a good one. Until today. Yes, it is a 7-3. terrible match up.
you’re so fucked up close it’s not even funny. Jesus H christ. It’s like Abel only Rufus has an even easier time getting in. Plus he has way more opportunities to hit into his ultra and can meaty the shit out of you with g. tornado… Must research this bullshit, christ. The best progress I had was just mindfucking him with Barcelona, and that’s never really a good sign. Then you eat a full EX messiah trying to take him on the ground, and… YOU’RE FUCKED! God damnit.
I only found a good rufus once or twice I believe. A couple things, id like to say is that focus attacks work great against him. When he is up close it is annoying because of that jump dive kick thing, and his other special moves. When he does that jump dive thing your neutral lk will work if you do it as he jumps or as he inputs the move (if he is within range). I find that it helps alot against rufus. If you see that he does the tornado thing as you focus, then you can dash back and get a free ultra on him.
This match kind of reminds me of the balrog matchup alot. Once they are in close its hard to escape, and once your in the corner its a bunch times harder. Its even worse that they both have so many easy ways to hit you with their ultra. I hope this helps.
Wow you finally realize how bad that matchup is? Most of us knew how bad it was since week 1 lol
The worst part about rufus is when im winning really easily (happens seldomly) in the beginning, got him down to literally 1% life left and i jump and he randomly jumps with hk into full ultra taking away nearly 70% of my life and kills me. Basically they hit me like only once or twice early in the round, i hit them a billion times by hitting and running away most of the time, then i die from just the 2 hits from the beginning and the random hk->ultra at the end… all that hard work for nothing… NOTHING!
The match up with rufus is 5-5 u r just crap. watch his meter limit Barcelona, use sky high claw always go for knockdown backdash and forward dash is your friend bait and play hit n run don’t fight rufus up close know your distance. don’t random jump use barcelona to change side.
Thanks for the advice Alexlkd and Buddha. Yeah Rufus’ Air to air ultra set up is a bitch. He has massive comeback potential in this match.
You will quickly find that your attitude will cause everyone in this forum to turn against you. I’ve proven myself many times to be a great Vega, and what you said is basically nonsense. I think it’s likely that the one who is crap here is the “Self-Proclaim Best Claw” who can hardly put a legitimate sentence together. If you think it’s 5-5 I’d love to see what you think of the Rufus I fought yesterday. What the fuck do you suggest doing when Rufus is up in your face? Hm? That’s something I’d like to know. What happens when you get hit with one EX Messiah, as it’s going to happen sometime, you’re knocked down, and he’s bearing down on you with pressure likely equally intimidating to Abel only more ultra setups? the shit you told me is just hypothetical garbage that ANYONE can blurt out, only they have the common fucking sense not to do so.
Get learned, or get the fuck out. If you have XBL Self Proclaim Best Claw, we’ll duke it out.
LOL no need, look at the advice he gives…
he gives himself away as being shit.
I’m not crap, but i bet you and your competition are
Tbh I believed the japanese mu chart ever since the beginning. Come on, there’s no way Rufus could be 5-5, for obvious reasons.
EDIT: I guess everyone in here has a moment of enlightment regarding matchups. Look what pedo said in his first post about Bison, then a few months later when he actually fought a decent one he didn’t look as though he could say the same thing he did before again XDXD
Rufus - Vega is prolly 7-3 but you guys cant just be like “Oh fuck this is 7-3 because I just met a rufus player who knows a bread n butter combo” though. You guys can always step it up just like they can. Dont assume youre playing Vega at his best just cuz youre losing.
Lol Cry babies :arazz:
by the way that is my brother game tag, i just use is PS3
You know what is bull shit about Rufus? He has hit boxes BEHIND his actually body. Yeah, bull shit, I know.
I was about to beat a Rufus who was more skilled than me. He tried to combo into Ultra or Super (I can’t remember which one it was) but missed the link. He went UNDER me and starting doing his animation at the wall. I laughed, smugly picked myself up and walked behind him doing his Ultra/Super animation, was about to throw him out of it for the win, and got HIT WHILE STANDING BEHIND HIS FAT ASS!!! Did his jiggly ass hitbox get me? Or the hit box on his love handles?
Yeah That happen to me too, i was about to do my focus attack with chun-li behind him why he missed his ultra and i got caught WHAT :wtf:
I’m a cry baby, you’re a dumbass, seems fair to me.
Did we ever play, MILF? I have your name and think I rem playing you a long time ago. You didn’t seem to have any revolutionary tactics. Remember, don’t base how far you are in Champ mode as your skill level. It makes you sound like you don’t know what you’re talking about because the top top players don’t even play Champ mode cuz of the lag and the fact that it is just a grind to get up to high levels. And most of the G1 people are people who learned to abuse certain things about their character online. There are good ones, but I guess the best way to know if you’re some sick vega is to go to tourneys and the other character threads and challenge them to see if you fight any good ones.
EDIT: and all of the negative rep doesn’t help