I’ve been able to juggle people for all 19 hits quite a few times when they did a jumping attack. Just before they were about to hit me it grabbed them out of the air. It wasn’t a one time thing. I’ve been able to do it consistantly.
If I did the attack to late, they could just block it. It seems to be a timing thing. i’m going to do my best to provide some video to verify this,as nobody seems to have gotten the same results.
EDIT: I should add that ofcourse it doesn’t have any real suction, it just seemed like it sucked them out of the air,which is why i used to term. Didn’t actually pull them in, just beat there air attacks and juggles them.
Double EDIT: I’ll have a video ready this weekend for you guys.
I had something interesting happen to me while playing against a friend’s Sakura yesterday, a couple of times I’d do my ultra and he’d be doing her tatsu(once it was an EXtatsu IIRC) now at the point where she would fly directly above his head or it looked as though he were going to be hit in the head the ultra won out. Can anyone else confirm this?
looking forward to the video…
i’m hearing the words “suction” when i know i’ve never seen any “sucking in” happening…
but at the same time… i believe that you can “put someone on the floor” and proceed with the 19 hits…
I just hope the incoming airborne enemy can’t just block the super when they reach the ground. Anyway… awaiting vid confirmation of anti-air use.
After doing some more testing this is what I found:
If their air attack is going to hit you in the torso area, you do the super just before it hits, and it beats there recovery on the ground. It doesn’t juggle them in the air, it beats there recovery. I thought it juggled because thats what it looked like to me. I was wrong in that.
If you do it to soon, it bounces them away. If you do it to late they can block.
I set the training dummy to record mode, did jumping roundhouses and immediately held block once I did the attack to be sure I was blocking on the ground. I messed with crouch blocking and standing blocking. The super when timed properly will beat there recovery period on the ground. I have yet to test a bunch of characters though. Only have tested Sagat and Sakura. I’m going to be testing more tonight and I’ll have a video this weekend.
Dan’s ultra can be focused against. I did it by accident during survival. I haven’t tested at all but I wouldn’t be suprised if it was the only ultra without armor breaking properties.
A smart opponent will just see your ultra startup, focus attack, back dash, and then any move they want.
It only happened once so far so maybe I’m lying I will test later.
So how come we don’t have damage data for Dan’s normals, supers etc.?
I found a (probably useless) way to do fairly instant air dan kicks.
214741+K. It seems like you HAVE to end at 1 or 2 in order to get them to come out, and you’ll always get a backwards moving version. It might be useful with the EX Dan Kicks, but I dunno, lol.
instant j.lk dan kick looks really funny because it looks exactly like standing lk dan kick except moving backwards. That would be really useful for building meter if it built the same amount of meter standing dan kick does, but sadly it builds waaay less. (all the air dan kicks do, actually.)
I’m really confused why 2147+K dosen’t work. Or why 214741+K does, since I don’t think it’s registering 741 as a 214 input…
So here’s some quick frame info I figured out based on how Dan’s moves work against moves we know the frame data for (mostly Ken, also some Gief):
lk dan kick: at least even recovery on block
mk dan kick: -2 recovery on block
hk dan kick: -2 recovery on block
lp gadou: at least even recovery on block
mp gadou: at least even recovery on block
hp gadou: at least even recovery on block
ex gadou: +1-2 recovery on block
lp dp: 4 startup
mp dp: 4 startup
hp dp: 4 startup
ex dp: 4 startup
super: 4 startup
ultra: 5 startup
close standing strong: +4 on hit
Because I’m a lazy bastard.
At what range!? :looney:
Two mostly useless observations:
While all gadous do the same damage, lp gadou does 2 points more chip (???)
Ultra does no chip damage at. So don’t do this to finish someone turtling up in the corner only to have it blocked, cause no damage, get punished, and lose what should’ve been a gimme round if dankus were used instead but ultra finish is so much more cooler and flashier of a win
General questions:
Can Dan do any type of somewhat effective normal anti-air (i.e. no koryus)? I’ve tried to use close s.HK with very mixed results; sometimes it beats cleanly, sometimes it whiffs, sometimes far s.HK comes out. It’s kinda best to walk or dash under the opp. c.HP trades almost all the time that it connects, but you have to input the motion as soon as you see the opp leave the ground.
Online, I’ve been grabbed by Gief’s Ultra out of a dan knee mid-flight a few times now. I haven’t tested this yet. Is this an online issue, a Gief Ultra issue, or a dan knee issue?
Point blank, as close as possible. You can do a point blank fireball and then hold up and jump out of Zangief’s reversal super/ultra!
I’ve used crouching strong, standing jab, and far standing forward as situational antiairs, but for the most part I think his dp is good enough (especially ex, obviously). Too bad crouching fierce takes 10 minutes to come out, just too much startup to be a reasonable option.
Been thrown out of dan kick, huh? I’ll try to do some testing on that.
If no one else wants to do it I’ll throw up normal damages tonight. Standing M.p works occasionally as an anti air, I usually just m.p koryuken though.
Alright here we go!
(unless otherwise noted jumping at an angle and straight up do the same damage)
damage stun
c.lp 25 50
f.lp 25 50
cr.lp 25 50
j.lp 45 50
c.lk 25 50
f.lk 35 50
cr.lk 20 50
j.lk 40 50
c.mp 65 100
f.mp 70 100
cr.mp 70 100
j.mp 75 100
c.mk 70(40+30) 100(50+50)
f.mk 70 100
cr.mk 65 100
j.mk 70 100
j.mk 75 100 (straight up)
c.fp 95 200
f.fp 110 200
cr.fp 100 200
j.fp 95 200
j.fp 100 200 (straight up)
c.fk 100 200
f.fk 110 200
cr.fk 90 150
j.fk 100 200
Gadoken 70 100 (all)
Ex 110(50+60) 100(50+50)
lP 110 200
mp 120 200
fp 140 200
ex 130(60+70) 200(100+100)
Dan kicks
lk 90 100
mk 100(50+50) 150(100+50)
hk 150(50X3) 200(100+50+50)
ex 120(40X3) 200(100+50+50)
Air dan kicks
lk 90 100
mk 100(50+50) 200(100+100)
hk 150(50X3) 300(100+100+100)
ex 150(50X3) 300(100+100+100)
min 329
max 465
j.fk->f.p->Fk dan kicks
315 560
109 205
(corner only)j.fk->f.p->ex gado->level 2 FA cancel->dash->FP->HK dankicks
439 750
(corner only)j.fk->f.p->ex gado->level 2 FA cancel->dash->FP->FP koryuken
388 630
j.fk->cr.mk->ex dan kick
261 460
edit: hmmm it doesn’t seem to keep formatting very well, even with spaces instead of tabs. Oh well.
Great job man, thanks for doing that!
no problem, hopefully rhymeswithdaddy will throw this up in the first post.
Thanks for the list :tup:
Can you also post how much damage the following combos do-
Lvl. 2 FA–>Ultra (50%)
Lvl. 3 FA–>Ultra (50%)
Jumping HK/HP–>St. HP–>QCF+2PxxLvl. 2 FA–>Ultra (50%)
Yeah, ill update everything today. Can we get the throw and FA damage, if not ill do it when i get home?
Something came up this weekend and I wasn’t able to do the video about the super, but I’ll try and get it done soon.
Front throw: 120
Back throw: 130