Dan hit confirms?!

Hey all

So I’ve been working on hit confirming and on that poke game since good players don’t leave big openings and they also start everything with pokes.

All the Dan videos Ive seen seem to indicate that Dan’s only hit confirm is cr.lk , cl. lk, or cl.HK into cl.mp

Is this all? 2 move hit confirms one of which is a link?

There has to be more stuff, help me!

I mean jesus look at Bison and his godlike neverending cr.lk strings into combos or Ryu’s cr.jab mashes into combos too

They can just mash mash mash and get an extra second to hit confirm.

Is this all Dan gets? Cause if it is… god dammit man… it’s like Dan is a shit pile that upon exploration, is stuffed with vomit

1-frame link: cr.LK, cr.LK, far.LP > cr.MK

2-frame link: cr.LK, cl.LK > cr.MP

That’s the skivvy.

Thank you! I’ll try to plink those. the 1st one combos into gadouken? and the second into Ex danku? is that right?

They both combo into Gadouken and EX Danku.

So I tried them yesterday… sigh

this will take a while. but they’re good, the first one especially since that far lp can end in a nice little lk danku frame trap. worth the training!


cr.lk cl.lk. koryuken also i think, unless that first cr.lk pushes too far for a cl.lk?

cr.lk cl.lk. koryuken also i think, unless that first cr.lk pushes too far for a cl.lk?

Im looking for 3-4 normal block string before punishable move, so cr.lk cr.lk KRK even if it works which I think it doesnt, isnt ideal :slight_smile:

You can confirm off of it with practice. It’s my main confirm.

Yikes… alright then, I’m off to practice mashing cr. lk!

crLK clLK koryuken, not crLK crLK koryuken…

oh I already do THAT. he said cr cr not cr cl :stuck_out_tongue: