Just sketched Dan doing one of his taunts using Paint Tool Sai and my Wacom Graphire

Feel free to post your own Dan art! Saikyo Power!
Just sketched Dan doing one of his taunts using Paint Tool Sai and my Wacom Graphire
Feel free to post your own Dan art! Saikyo Power!
Probably not the perfect place to put it, but oh well.
Heres an awful picture of my stick. Just ordered the other 6 black rims I needed and this thing is good to go.
I want that stick! How/ where did you get it?
I have a Mad Catz one with custom pink sanwa buttons but I want a Dan background also!
\Great pic OP!
Wanted to test out my new phone camera and the last picture I posted was awful. Necroing threads is the best.
Is there a Bison arcade stick like that?