Damn, impossible

i can’t belive nobody posted here.
omega red is the shit.
i guess i’ll keep his cool strategies and stuff a secret to suprise casual players in the arcades.

i always do.

apprently he has an infinite we he continually tosses the opponent and in the air and catches them and re-tosses them

check the other threads for details

tossing them straight up and coiling them?
i know about that one.

its always a 50/50 which is gute :).
but i get to choose to strike from the left or right when i’m right below you.
no other character has a counter.

except teleport…

Indeed he is.
I’ve assembled a new team with him, namely Omega Red/Silver Samurai/Sentinel.
Sentinel and Omega Red practically go hand-in-hand on my team, because that Ground Assist from Sentinel can really screw with people’s minds, sometimes.
What I would do is use Assist, and either:

a) Jump over the opponent, and when they turn around to try to guard, perform a C.LK, C.MK, C.FP XX LK Omega Strike, or use his Air Combo if the Mini-Sentinels actually hit, or;

b) Use the MK Omega Strike to pin them down if they attempt to jump it. Sometimes, the kick would catch them off guard and nail them as they attempt to jump. If I happen to face against a fast air-dasher like Magneto or Storm, I try to run under them as they sail towards me or (if I’m feeling lucky, given Magneto’s J.LK’s and Storm’s J.FP’s priority), KK Omega Strike.

By himself, Omega Red’s a pretty decent character. I can definitely hold my own with him. By the way…maybe it’s just me, but for some reason, I can’t combo his FP or his FK at the end of an Aerial Rave as easily as I could have in MSH vs. SF. As a matter of fact, in this game, I’d either have to end the combo in a LP Energy Drain or a LK Death Factor. Is it just me, or is Omega’s accuracy in combos a bit off-ish in this game?

In any case, pretty cool idea to keep Omega Red as an ace up your sleeve.
Quite a few people can be tricked with him, providing that you know how to aim Carbonadium Coil and pull back with Omega Strike.

sent/red is ace.

try: jump in w/fp(callsent), dash, c.lk., c.mk , sj > dash. lk,mp.reset to lk,mk,hk, (land) dash c.lk. c.lk, s.mp then finish off with your air combo.

or you can even call sent. then lk.mk.hp (drones hit) sj. into qcb PP.
sent gets out just in time, you cancel into the hsf.

his hk Ostrike can be cancelled mid air anywhere and even pulled back.
you can cross your opponent up make him face the other way then retract, then cancel mid air and do lk from either side. behind, infront, or even dash. or even coil from above.

the timing is impossible to detect.

i like that OR is so small when he ducks/blocks.

it’s like he’s a little chicken mcnugget.

dont call my boy a chicken mcnugget.
YOU’RE a chicken mcnugget. >:-P

The thing about that crouch is, it can really save your ass in a pinch sometimes.
This one time, an opponent of mine whiffed an air HVB with Cable, and Omega (with a sliver of life left) was able to crouch through the whole thing (and Cable’s beam was aiming down, mind you.)

I’ve done qcf +kk … but get this… After the ahvb not only did i Cancel it i also blocked. AND!. . lk,mp,mk into a launches thanks to a well timed push block. the coils put you in sj mode… traveling is insane when you learn the cancel. you can be everywhere. :karate:

^^ make a killer o.red vid fellas. make it happen! :lovin:

whats so great about omega head? He looks cool and stuff but I don’t see much potential with him.

pressed for time but briefly

  • range

  • speed of his omega strikes (qcf +K)
    good damage on his air combos - coil - toss them up - attack from either side

  • can cross up well with is omega strikes - works well with storm, and Tron proj.

-double snaps

  • builds meter extremmely well.

O.Red also has a fullscreen normal.

Looking at mobility hes somewhere ahead of Bison, but beneath Chun and Morrigan. I’d put him in the same nook as Anakaris, where he has the tools to maneuver well, but requires a lot of execution (and practice)

The ability to cancel Air Dash momentum with tap back sets up fast overhead pressure and good block strings vs. Sentinel. It also lets you cross up with j.HP/HK to create sandwich pins with assists (Tron, Gief Lariat, Doom Rocks, Sent Drones etc).

Try this,burrow coil,qcf +kk, Back + k, neutral, hk (for Meter), land, burrow coil. no one has an answer for that yet:)

okay, try this lp.,lp.,< sj. lp.,lk., lp.,lk.,hp(wait for fifth hit or done completely)hk.>land d.lk,lp. standing lk.,…then whatever you want:rolleyes:

try this !!!
df. fp, sj/c into dash, upward coil, drain life, Db+fp into neutral, lp, land d.lp re launch.
(but no it doesnt infinite sadly :frowning: )

Wow finally Some other Omega Red Players out here!

I thought I was the only one that used Omega Red, In my local Arcade I’m like the only one that uses Omega red which is kind of sad in fact people now recognize me as the Omega Red Guy Hehehe but that’s cool for me!

Anyways wanted to ask a question is there a way I MEAN a way to ever connect omega red’s Supers from a combo? Would really want to know!

and Rock on Omega Red Players.

with assist yes. without assist, barely enough room to say yes with the air super if you do this:

c.lk ,c.mk, hk, qcf+hk, (cancel into super)