Even though i understand that daigos opponents seem to degenerate into archetypes ensuring no surprises for daigo (jwong=turtle) he aint gonna tiger knee (A valle=rushdown), so you can wait for that clutch moment, Daigos reaction speed to go from countering low tiger shots to countering high tiger shots etc, was this the most absolute representation of complete focus seen in SF?
Very entertaining.
Is there anything you can do to improve reaction speeds?
IMO speed’s mostly in understanding your situation and knowing the proper response to it, then grinding that scenario.
The more you grind that scenario, the faster you become!
Now, just rinse and repeat for all the other possible scenarios. Luckily, you can organize these into distinct families, and usually your character will have some tool or the other that will work on every/most of the members of that particular family.
Also, I like to mash buttons in a semi intelligent fashion before a match in an effort to overclock my internal metronome, in much the same way as RTS players will spam superfluous/redundant commands in the early game. The idea is, if I’m spamming at 200 APM, I will hopefully think at 200 APM as well.