Daigo vs Jwong

lol, he already answered your question in his post. hundreds of people watching you, hundreds of dollars on the line, possibly his PRIDE on the line, a TOURNAMENT MATCH that determines the winner. I can’t express how much PRESSURE is involved in a TOURNAMENT match. Yes, Daigo has the biggest balls out of everyone.

Not really, he was just mad, and that is the result of an angry beast. Shit, it’s not that complicated and stop making a big deal out of ever time that justin gets embarrassed by someone, First Tokido, then Soo, then this, umm yeah, just laugh it up, it shouldn’t be that complicated :bluu:

Wasn’t that in Men in Black?

I already made my opinions about this in a thread about T5…I love both…Id played 2d first…fell off…then hopped on 3d, got betta and knew how to play a vast of games, just by playin’ this. So to boo another genre of fightin’ games, just because you don’t play…Well, that shows alot about your character…:rolleyes:

I would like to know how he got owned in this match. This isn’t like him vs Tokido or him vs Soo. All I see is a great comeback really. Anyone else agree?

that I have to agree with, and if you look at it from the beginning, it appeared that Justin owned Diago in the beginning part of the match, hence to be far enough ahead for what Diago did to be considered a come back.


I’ll co-sign to that as well.


Yep. Fortunately I’m able to look at both sides and give props accordingly to both Daigo and Wong. Wong is the Jack of All Trades and the master of one, which is better than 99.99% of all the SF players in the world.:o

EDIT: Killer AV Scamp, GO Roronoa Zoro!!!:smiley:

Here’s the deal. Justin is the best in MvC2 and there is no arguement about it. He attained 4 MvC2 championships, has never lost an MvC2 tourney. He is the Michael Jordan of MvC2.

But as far as other games, Justin is the Tim Duncan of everything else. What I mean by that is that he has great execution, and plays like a professional, but is boring as fuck to watch. How he plays is very mechanical: he does what he is supposed to do, knows all the tactics and executes them perfectly (which is his advantage), but the thing is that it is so bland to see the same thing over and over, I can’t stand it, esp with 3rd Strike. It’s like he is all tactics and no style in strategy. And turtling is so painful I’d just leave before the match ends. He always places in top 5 of any CvS2 or 3rd Strike tourneys, so he has been consistent on his game.

I don’t hate Justin at all. I saw him at the Last Stand in Gainesville and he is a nice guy. He talks to strange people whom he doesn’t know and is polite to them. His execution is exemplary, is very patient, and can adapt very fast. Basically, he has the skills that a good player needs.

It is a shame he is a part of the Empire, though. He deserves all the credit and winnings, not some gay ass Empire with a dude running it who tries too hard to be professional.

As far as that match, like I said, it isn’t hating on Justin, it is praising Daigo.

what’s up with everyone hyping things? justin’s a great player, and i still stand on my word as him being US’s #1 3Ser. at the heat of the moment (keep in mind the setting and situation), he probably choked and underestimated things (to ease his mind) and did something that, in retrospect, wasn’t the greatest move.

daigo on the other hand, performed very impressively, and props should definitely be given. however, that has nothing to do with wong-bashing.

but in any event, the reason things like these get all the attention is because it isn’t the norm. you don’t celebrate things that are normal or expected. no one really goes WOW when brazil takes another world cup. soo could never stand up to justin, but what happened last year was surprising. that’s why everyone hugged his nuts…it’s not the normal thing that would’ve happened. justin still raped him :rolleyes:

I was thinking the exact same thing and how :lame: that shit is…oh well at least now I got my question answered.:bluu:

By the way WTF is Super Guns?

Super Guns allow you to play arcade boards like capcom, neo geo etc. on regular tv’s in your home. Basically like playing an arcade system in your home.

Yeah peeps aren’t dissin justin its just that the end of the match was amazing and unexpected. Daigo deserves props.

Also it mad funny how the thread flip floped when justin posted.:lol: wtf.



I can’t believe I went to evo to watch and still missed this thing. Video is great. Truly something that you appreciate as a fightin game fan. I can’t stop watching this thing over and over :smiley:

nah… justin did great and all but i still dont see him as the best in the US… but hes defenitely deserving to travel overseas though…

i agree there was far too much hate… so many people booed him in everything he came out for… i was one of the few cheering him

…at the same time, id be lying if i didnt say i was going nuts when daigo gave him parry ownage :wink:

I would like to hear daigo’s take on the whole match…:wink: im not a J.Wong hater and will never be. Funny thing is aleast justin has a chance to beat daigo in TS where as Daigo would be like wtf in marvel.Daigo is truly a Beast in other games but Justin is animalistic in marvel someone should lock his ass up and throw away the key. :lol: :lol: :lol:

did justin and pyrolee play at all during evo weekend?

i’m not going to go into this whole debacle again. he’s the #1 rated player. i don’t really give a rat’s ass about who is better than who. we can go back and forth about who beats who 1on1, but there are so many variable elements that it doesn’t even matter. the only thing that counts is tournament placement, and as far as that goes, justin is #1.

pyro won 2-0. 1st game was pretty close, 2nd game he near double perfected him.

Whoever said Wong is #1 in USA at 3s - heat of the moment or not I do not see wong as the best in USA at 3s at all his chun li is boring style not even fun to watch its just so dry. It gets him wins ill give him that but I do not think its best in USA material.