Hi. Yesterday when I got online, a friend of mine just told me that a guy by the name of “UmeharaDaigo” was just playing Super SFII Turbo in ggpo. He said that his name was represented by an American flag. By the time I joined the room, this person left. I told my friend that I was a bit skeptical that that was the REAL Daigo Umehara, and that this guy was probably registered under that name, as some Daigo admirer or die hard fan. I would like to get your thoughts on what you think the chances are of this “UmeharaDaigo” guy being the REAL Daigo himself? Is the real Daigo known to play SSF2T in ggpo every once in a while? Or is this guy just a big fan, or a prankster? Has anyone else seen him in there?
Oh and my friend also told me he typed “Does anyone have a good connection” just like that in English.
100% certain that’s not him. Why would his location be USA? Daigo doesn’t even speak English. I don’t think there’s any real reason for him to be on GGPO, either. He already has the best offline comp in the world for a game he probably doesn’t (need to) even practice.
It’s BS. There are at least a couple of American players with “Daigo Umehara” tags on GGPO. They’re not the real deal, they’re just fans or wannabes or whatever. Here are the reasons it’s not the real Daigo:
Daigo wouldn’t be so dumb to use his own name in a tag. His SF4 online tag is gameinn (notice that it’s not his first or last name). If he was on GGPO, I’m sure he wouldn’t use his name as a tag.
Daigo is not an American, he’s Japanese. If he were on GGPO his flag would be Japanese. He lives in Japan and the only time he’s in the States is visiting for tourneys or other events.
There’s about 10 players using the name daigo on GGPO who are not Daigo, Daigo has played GGPO once at Ponder’s/Seth’s/Wizard’s cookout. I can’t remember which hosted it, under Ponder’s name and didn’t really like the feel of it and has never been back.
To be fair, a number of those Daigo impersonators are actually good by the GGPO standards, which as fatboy has stated somewhere, is not that high if you consider real top gameplay. It is not Daigo, for sure.
There’s several people with DAIGO in their name on GGPO. For sure it’s not him, since they all have american flags that I’ve seen thus far. They’re not TERRIBLE players, but definitely not top level.
Also I doubt Daigo would pop on GGPO just to play ST when he could just hit up his local arcade for top tier competition.
Possibly. But considering that ST came out in the mid 90s and people are STILL playing it all over the world, not likely to happen anytime soon I hope.