Da mash

I’m like a solid week into learning dudley (watching “tut” included) and it seems like pressure is impossible thanks to jab/reversal mashers. Ill even make a pattern and then throw nothing for the bait and get no bite. Or ssb but my success rate with that is like 20%. Working footsies and such seems to be improving steadily but the one important focus (dat pressure) i cant figure out

The reply “tut” will actually bring me to tears


well [details=Spoiler] you [details=Spoiler] could [details=Spoiler] just [details=Spoiler][details=Spoiler]tut [/details] [/details] [/details] [/details] [/details]

That gradient blue is tite.


Dudley is as good as the player’s reads, because all of his options hard counter one of their options into huge damage. i.e. at the beginning of the fight if I’m fighting a typical online player without knowing their skill level, I’ll just walk up on their wake up and do nothing. If they DP, I’ll punish, if they crouch tech I’ll make a mental note of that, or stand tech, or backdash, etc. If they crouch tech then the next time I’ll do an overhead or SSB if I want to be safe from DPs, if they stand tech I’ll do a low combo, if they backdash I’ll do an early jump forward HK into combo.

The 2nd part is reading how quick of a learner the opponent is, the other night I played against a decent ken but he liked to mash DP, well even after I baited and punished his DP a couple times he STILL mashed a 3rd DP, so I made a mental note that this guy is a slow learner, and sure enough after baiting his DP a few more times and punishing I got him to start crouch teching on wake up, which I punished with short swing blow. After a couple times of short swing blow, I read that he would stop crouch teching and DPing on wake up, so I would just throw him on wake up, I also started doing Dudley’s overhead/low mixup. That caused him to start crouch teching again and the cycle of conditioning and reading continues.

But yea over 1 game it’s quite hard to make these series of reads, that’s why I suggest running endless matches when learning Dudley.

If you get beat by jabs, work on your meaty timing

Thanks guys i appreciate it, been doin a lot of work feelin people out. Sadly some people churn butter or mash without learning or thinking but f them i guess