Cyrax Movelist (observations/speculation)

I’ve been scouring youtube and watching all of his vids. Here are some of the better vids I’ve noticed.

#1 Cyrax/Kitana Demo: YouTube - TheUltimateRyu’s Channel
#2 Cyrax gameplay: YouTube - TheUltimateRyu’s Channel
#3 Cyrax movelist (about 1 min in): YouTube - TheUltimateRyu’s Channel

So here’s the movelist I was able to extract from videos (I’m just using XBOX notation for now since that’s what was shown in the vids)

Basic Attacks:
Front Punch - X
Back Punch - Y
Front Kick - A
Back Kick - B
Uppercut - Down+ Y
Sweep - Fwd+B
Yank - Fwd+X
Blast Overhead - Fwd+Y
I believe this is the move from vid#1 that combos into the X-ray

Tooth and Nail - Back+Y
Side Kick - Fwd+A
Hop Kick - Up+B

Combo Attacks:
See Saw - X, X, X
Steel Fists - X,Y,X
Power Plant - X, Y, A
Mustard - Y, X, Y
Saw Enough - Y, Y, back+X
Kombat Boots - A, A, B
Cyber Beatdown - Fwd+X, Y, X, Y

Special Moves:
Net - Fwd, Fwd+A
No longer pulls opponent towards you. Maybe the EX version has this property?
Bomb (Close) - Fwd, Fwd+B
Bomb (Medium) - Back, Back+B
Bomb (Far) - Fwd, Fwd, Back+B
You can throw a bomb after netting someone but you are limited to 1 bomb on screen at a time. Maybe EX version allows you to throw out 2 bombs?
Teleport - Down, Fwd+X
Anti-Air - Down, Back+X
Haven’t seen it actually connect on anyone. Seems to have problems catching airborne netted opponents.
Buzzsaw - Fwd, Back+A
Reverse Kick - Down, Back+A

Enhanced Attacks:
Don’t think any of his EX moves have been seen in action…
Sticky Bomb - Fwd, Fwd+B+Block
Sounds awesome!
Electo Net - Fwd, Fwd+A+Block
Also sounds awesome!
Bangport - Down, Fwd+X+Block
Just sounds wrong lol but I like it. I’m guessing there’s a hitbox on Cyrax when he teleports.
Saw Blade - Fwd, Back+Y+Block
Donkey Kick - Down, Back+A+Block
Anti-Air - Down, Back+X+Block

X-Ray Attack:
Cyberdriver ???
The range looks pretty short so its use will probably be limited to combos and possibly anti-air. Unless X-rays have invincibility, then the possibilities are endless…

FYI, I’ve seen a few videos with move lists shown, and the move list actually changes based on which side of your opponent you are standing on. So for example, Scorpion’s spear might be <- <- P if you’re standing to the left of your opponent, but if you are standing on the right, it would be shown as -> -> P.

I only mention this because it sounds like you have the moves with foward/back wrong.

You are probably right!