Helion is where sticks get destroyed and controllers get thrown at the wall.
The world would be a better place if more people knew this game. I go back and forth between Lightning and Cyclone, Lighting’s EX move is awesome for mad damage and decent start-up but Cyclone has a lot of defensive tools.
I bought this for 80 yen and wished I hadn’t when I got back to the U.S. It would have been better to imagine how awesome the game must be than to learn the truth.
The PSX version is so/so. Frame skips and such, but there’s a few cool extras, like Akuma and more pilots you can ride as for story mode. It’s DEFINITELY more of a one-player experience. It’s well worth $6
The gameplay wasn’t drastically altered like MSH though, so there’s that, considering there’s less animation in the game overall, and the combo system wasn’t ever very deep, so unless you’re super deep into the mechanics, you’re not missing much on that end.
I will say this: The AI is fucking hard.
TLDR - since the game’s not competitive, the bonus features make up the fact that there’s load times and it’s only maybe 90% accurate to the arcade.