Since so much people love me here especially in cvs2 board, I decided to give back to all my precious lovers. This is a list of cvs2 most useless normals.
Note: this is kinda useless.
- Sagats crouching lp and and mp — You really don?t need that shit
- Sagats jumping mk ---- you really don?t need that shit to
- Yuns qcf kick ----- no use for that, has very poor priority, sucks a lot overall, good only if you tryna catch a levitating nakoruru.
- Yuns super where he brings out yang ----- really don?t need this, sucks
- Vice?s jumping mk ----- just don?t use that shit
- Vice?s df df p super ------ unless if your at the perfect distance and the opponent is coming down, just like if you would catch somebody with a ragin demon as there coming down, or if your opponent is stupid enough to throw a projectile at the perfect range and you counter.
- Yamazakis crouching mp ---- I don?t know if some people use that as a lil meaty but that shit sucks, the only lil meaty he needs is standing mk
- Chunlis crouching lk ----- I?ve seen some good chunli players use that but you can live without it
- Zangiefs crouching mp ----- very bad anti air and very bad overall
- Balrogs cr lk ----- useless unless its to link to combo, unless if you?re a super pro and can super out of his lp?s
- Balrogs standing mp ---- no use, shit anti air compared to cr hp.
- Ryo?s standing hp ---- one of the worst standing hp?s in the game
- Ryo?s jumping hp ----- discusting
- Ryo?s hcb p ------ you might as well forget about that, bad bad quality
- Ryo?s df df p ----- this aint kof that shit don?t work
- Dans standing hk ----- if your very lucky you can get some idiots with this as anti air but it?s the worst hk in the game
- Dans qcb hk ----- you already know about this, unless if its in the air it has some use.
- Hibikis ----- who uses this
- Rocks cr hp ( far version ) ----- bad angle, very useless, use cr hk to anti air or cr mp close.
- Shotos standing mk ---- this can be used like vegaclaws standing mk, but the direction of the kick makes it shit.
- Terrys jumping lk ---- why is that shit so high
- Dhalsims jumping hk ----- shouldn?t even mention
- Blankas cr.lp ----- very very very useless
- All of blankas standing mids ----- they all suck, far standing mp is a lil better, but cr hp pokes better.
- Blankas back forward kick ----- if you use this put your fuckin controller or stick down and go play mario
- Yuris cr mp ----- NO
- Ken?s hurricane kick ---- he doesn?t really need it compared to the other shotos, unless if its to cancel out of his level 2 shinyuuuken
- Sakuras dp k ----- just stupid
- Vegaclaws down up p ----- the slow recovery makes it a peace of dog shit
- Morrigans hcb k ( not sure ) ----- Djb 13 shows a a lil about how to use this but?just don?t use it.
- Benimarus hcb k ( slow recorvery, bad unless if you catch the guy with no more life, or if on wakeup you cancel it and go for a grab or super )
- Raidens dp k ( not sure ) ----- this crap is not as good as Alex?s
- Ioris hcb k ----- slow recorvery
- Ioris qcb hcf p super ----- bad unless if you have a guy at almost 0 life with a no roll groove and hes the last character on the screen and when you trow this out theres nothing he can do?.but…that will never happen
- Kims df df kick super ----- debatable, ok it sets up an infinite but how many times is this gonna happen huh? be real
- Rolentos db db p ----- debatable, only good for ending his CC
- Haohmarus df p ----- that?s the worst projectile in the game, its so slow, don?t ever think of doing this vs vegaclaw or blanka, mater fact don?t use it at all. Unless if you wanna take a chance and use it once then use the fake version up close to set up for a grab but sometimes people see that.
- Rocks db mk -----what der fuck?
- King ---- her in general
- Joes sexy kick ---- bad recorvery, unless if you do it at a distance where its not punishable.
These are just a few of the most useless tools in cvs2, I repeat this is useless unless your at a certain level of noobness.
EDIT!!!: BENIMARUS JUMPING HP------ WHAT? anti air? umm no