CvS2's most useless

Since so much people love me here especially in cvs2 board, I decided to give back to all my precious lovers. This is a list of cvs2 most useless normals.
Note: this is kinda useless.

  • Sagats crouching lp and and mp — You really don?t need that shit
  • Sagats jumping mk ---- you really don?t need that shit to
  • Yuns qcf kick ----- no use for that, has very poor priority, sucks a lot overall, good only if you tryna catch a levitating nakoruru.
  • Yuns super where he brings out yang ----- really don?t need this, sucks
  • Vice?s jumping mk ----- just don?t use that shit
  • Vice?s df df p super ------ unless if your at the perfect distance and the opponent is coming down, just like if you would catch somebody with a ragin demon as there coming down, or if your opponent is stupid enough to throw a projectile at the perfect range and you counter.
  • Yamazakis crouching mp ---- I don?t know if some people use that as a lil meaty but that shit sucks, the only lil meaty he needs is standing mk
  • Chunlis crouching lk ----- I?ve seen some good chunli players use that but you can live without it
  • Zangiefs crouching mp ----- very bad anti air and very bad overall
  • Balrogs cr lk ----- useless unless its to link to combo, unless if you?re a super pro and can super out of his lp?s
  • Balrogs standing mp ---- no use, shit anti air compared to cr hp.
  • Ryo?s standing hp ---- one of the worst standing hp?s in the game
  • Ryo?s jumping hp ----- discusting
  • Ryo?s hcb p ------ you might as well forget about that, bad bad quality
  • Ryo?s df df p ----- this aint kof that shit don?t work
  • Dans standing hk ----- if your very lucky you can get some idiots with this as anti air but it?s the worst hk in the game
  • Dans qcb hk ----- you already know about this, unless if its in the air it has some use.
  • Hibikis ----- who uses this
  • Rocks cr hp ( far version ) ----- bad angle, very useless, use cr hk to anti air or cr mp close.
  • Shotos standing mk ---- this can be used like vegaclaws standing mk, but the direction of the kick makes it shit.
  • Terrys jumping lk ---- why is that shit so high
  • Dhalsims jumping hk ----- shouldn?t even mention
  • Blankas cr.lp ----- very very very useless
  • All of blankas standing mids ----- they all suck, far standing mp is a lil better, but cr hp pokes better.
  • Blankas back forward kick ----- if you use this put your fuckin controller or stick down and go play mario
  • Yuris cr mp ----- NO
  • Ken?s hurricane kick ---- he doesn?t really need it compared to the other shotos, unless if its to cancel out of his level 2 shinyuuuken
  • Sakuras dp k ----- just stupid
  • Vegaclaws down up p ----- the slow recovery makes it a peace of dog shit
  • Morrigans hcb k ( not sure ) ----- Djb 13 shows a a lil about how to use this but?just don?t use it.
  • Benimarus hcb k ( slow recorvery, bad unless if you catch the guy with no more life, or if on wakeup you cancel it and go for a grab or super )
  • Raidens dp k ( not sure ) ----- this crap is not as good as Alex?s
  • Ioris hcb k ----- slow recorvery
  • Ioris qcb hcf p super ----- bad unless if you have a guy at almost 0 life with a no roll groove and hes the last character on the screen and when you trow this out theres nothing he can do?.but…that will never happen
  • Kims df df kick super ----- debatable, ok it sets up an infinite but how many times is this gonna happen huh? be real
  • Rolentos db db p ----- debatable, only good for ending his CC
  • Haohmarus df p ----- that?s the worst projectile in the game, its so slow, don?t ever think of doing this vs vegaclaw or blanka, mater fact don?t use it at all. Unless if you wanna take a chance and use it once then use the fake version up close to set up for a grab but sometimes people see that.
  • Rocks db mk -----what der fuck?
  • King ---- her in general
  • Joes sexy kick ---- bad recorvery, unless if you do it at a distance where its not punishable.

These are just a few of the most useless tools in cvs2, I repeat this is useless unless your at a certain level of noobness.

EDIT!!!: BENIMARUS JUMPING HP------ WHAT? anti air? umm no

actually blankas is REALLY good imo…very good on wake up and hard to counter if done meety…

im outi


Rock cr.hp useless? What the hell is wrong with you?
Kim qcf x2 kick super? Only sets up an infinite right?

-Ken’s Hurricane Kick - lvl 2 cancels
-Vega’s Flying Claw Thingy - when RCed is a decent escape move after being knocked down (depends where you are, though)
-Iori’s hcb+K - guard crush
-Iori’s Pilar Super - alternate ending for CCs
-Kim’s Launcher Super - sets up infinite
-King - she has guaranteed CCs set ups and good mix-ups if she can corner the opponent, it just takes a lot of skill to win with her. Fun character to use in casuals.

Some moves may only be useful in specific situations but that doesn’t necessarily means they’re useless.

Its difficult to really say such and such are useless they techincally all have some use what so ever.

Thought situationally some things aren’t worth it, eg: Iori’s Pilar Super outside A groove.

That’s actually a good move, good priority and hitbox. Just a bit overshadowed by his jump kicks.

She has one of my favourite c.MK’s in the game, solid ground control with it + her good specials (solid damage and ground control), good anti airs, strong jump kicks (MK and HK), and isn’t all that bad really, at least a good bit over Kyosuke level.

Bodler, I give you props getting your thoughts out there. At a glance there seems to be a lot of mistakes in the list. Personally, I don’t think it’s right to rule out King as completely useless. She has a very annoying style and can be hard to catch.

most of these move has some use.

sagats c.lp and is good for baiting the opponent to throw a move out while building meter at the same time ( then you can c. fierce them in the grill.

joes sexy kick is really good after his kick throw. if they try to quick recover, they get hit by it. if they do nothing, you are still in range to attack

vega’s charge d, u+ p move is decent against people that jumps back a lot or expect you to do the wall dive. if you hold back after he thrusts at you, he recovers farther away from the opponent

most of the other useless moves are pretty good after a combo, level 2 cancel or in a CC.

Dhalsim’s jumping RH has it’s uses…


Care to elaborate? Not saying it’s not, but it’s just way overshadowed by which is 5+/5+ vs -2/-2 and it sticks out for 7 frames longer with the same startup/dmg window.

And regarding kim’s thuderfoot super (QCFx2+K), if it didn’t set up the infinite, what would be the point? The thing has such terrible damage, has the worst hitbox imaginable and whiffs on the majority of the cast when crouched. Honestly, 4000 damage for a level 3 O_o? Wtf was Capcom thinking.

As a super itself, it’s terrible. Why did dev’s make it so weak, and so awkward to land? It could at least hit directly in front of him for at least a few frames.

And have to agree that haohmaru has one of the worst projectiles in the game. Make’s iori’s projectiles look like reppukens :.

Add Rugal’s j.lp. Very awkward.

If you’re playing K Kim, landing a level 3 rush super does 5830. Thunderfoot to 3 kicks is 5900. Seems almost too risky to attempt since rush super connects off crouching short short jab doesn’t it?

this guy’s a scrub :rofl: don’t listen to post # 1

:lol: down for 3 seconds, up+punch is the wall dive.

i probably shouldn’t since this is obviously flamebait, but i’ll comment on some of them

  • Vice?s df df p super
    good against dizzied opponents, its the most damaging thing she can do

  • Chunlis crouching lk cancelled into rh legs gives her a confirmable low-hitting combo, especially useful against pgroove

  • Balrogs cr lk
    meaty, to c.lps to low rush/headbutt/super is easy, and hits low

  • Ryo?s hcb p
    … it’s his main combo move, and juggling with air fireball leads to lots of setups

  • Dhalsims jumping hk
    dhalsim’s jump often from across the screen to zone and try to react to stuff. if you don’t see anything to react to, sticking out hk right before you land covers up a huge chunk of the screen

  • Blankas cr.lp
    its just as fast as, goes farther and still hits low. good for punishing stuff (into ball/super) or for an easy block combo after a blocked elec

  • All of blankas standing mids is one of blankas best moves. s.hp and are situationally good as well

  • Yuris cr mp
    beats a lot of stuff, also used in link combos

  • Sakuras dp k
    used in cgroove level 2 cancels, also leads to safe jump ins afterwards

  • Vegaclaws down up p
    little known fact: if you mash during this move, vega bounces farther away. RCed its good to escape the corner, and it also works well as a round-ender

  • Morrigans hcb k
    actually really useful if used as a teleport to get out of bad situations, not useful for attacking

  • Ioris hcb k
    good for guard breaking and chip damage kills

  • Kims df df kick super
    …how can something that can be comboed off of c.lks and lead to an infinite be useless?

  • Joes sexy kick
    good for covering tech rolls, while still putting yourself in mixup position if they dont tech roll, like kyos hcb+k

While I admit I hardly ever use that, high kicking moves like that are good air to air, say against Bison who’s jump is ungodly high.

then what is the charge d, up + kick then?

Yamazaki - S. RH :wgrin:

you better be joking.


I wanted to group those together first because it looks even more blatantly wrong. Now, let’s go through this one by one.

*- Zangiefs crouching mp ----- very bad anti air and very bad overall
Um. No. His second best anti-air after RC Lariat. You’ve obviously never played against a Sagat.

*- Ryos hcb p ------ you might as well forget about that, bad bad quality
Absolutely free CC anywhere on the screen. Combo’d into in the corner, 10K. Midscreen, about 8K.

- Hibikis ----- who uses this

Any A-Hibiki that does a ground CC.

  • Blankas cr.lp ----- very very very useless*

You’ve obviously never played a Bison with good spacing. It’s longer than short, so it hits blocked scissors more consistently.

- All of blankas standing mids ----- they all suck, far standing mp is a lil better, but cr hp pokes better.

Faster move. Targets a different area. They jump straight up at the right distance, Strong hits, c.fierce doesn’t.

  • Sakuras dp k ----- just stupid*

Level 2 cancel anyone?

  • Benimarus hcb k ( slow recorvery, bad unless if you catch the guy with no more life, or if on wakeup you cancel it and go for a grab or super )*

Guard Crush CC anyone?

*- Ioris hcb k ----- slow recorvery
That’s why you do it to crush their guard.

*- Ioris qcb hcf p super ----- bad unless if you have a guy at almost 0 life with a no roll groove and hes the last character on the screen and when you trow this out theres nothing he can do.but…that will never happen
As a CC ender it sets up mixups. See Poongko.

  • Kims df df kick super ----- debatable, ok it sets up an infinite but how many times is this gonna happen huh? be real


*- King ---- her in general
I beg to differ. You’ve never seen a good King. You’ve never even seen a mediocre King (mine).

*- Joes sexy kick ---- bad recorvery, unless if you do it at a distance where its not punishable.
Um… that’s WHY you do it at a distance where it’s not punishable. You do your moves where they are safe. This goes for ANY MOVE IN THE GAME.:rolleyes:

I sometimes use as a c hp replacement, when i need speed. It’s a bit faster, less effective but not shitty^^ I definitely use it.
It s also good to build meter whiffing.

Typically, any super that gives you guaranteed damage AFTER hitting the super is a good thing…

…and hitting the infinite is not that difficult…plus, the fear of getting hit by it makes people do stupid things…which you should be taking advantage of.

If you’re playing Kim the way most people think he should be played, you’ll have the guy close to stun a lot of the time…and then you hit thunderfoot (4000, I guess, I don’t know for sure), do 3 hit upkicks after - which stuns them…and then jump in bnb…WAY more than 4000 damage. Even without the stun…super into special…and then wakeup mixups…it’s not a bad position to be in.

If I ever play Bodler, someone remind me to infinite him.