i am the first one to request for it. :wgrin:
There seems to be an oversight on that list there. I’m not on it.
SoCal’s finest “top-tier” mid-tier character user, and the gentleman behind the wonderful Finest KO web site, Steven “WindyMan” Rodriguez. That’s me!
What the name of the C groove japanese player that played …C hibiki rock maki?
i give 10000000 dollars to a person who knows a competition level yuri player
Iyo plays C Yuri,and Mai. Just for fun though.
You should do it… play Yuri.
Her counter Attacks/ RC are really annoying. BesT counter attack in the game. Ahla Rolento.
i do play Yuri and am learning her, but its like nobody plays her much, i think shes one of the less played after King.
Yuris df k may look like shit but it can annoy alot
So true, it has stupid frame advantage… stooopid. I could see this getting her out of a lot of pressure situations, but I don’t play her… so it’s all up here points at head.
Hey Newplayer!
I’m Roki from Singapore, have I played you before?
Anyway, add these guys
According to Arcade, In Alphabetical order, and teams commonly remembered for…
Bugis Arcade
Airconman - A-Are
Alvin - Various grooves
Anthony - A-Are
A- poh - A - Anything
Dave - A - Are
Faylar - K - Rock, Hibiki, Kyo
Finn - Various grooves
Haw Yann - P - Balrog (Claw), Geese, Vega (Psycho)
Joseph - A - Honda, Vega (Psycho), Blanka
Ken - C- Gouki, Ken, Ryu
Leo - A-Terry, Kim, *
Raven - C - Sagat, Geese, Rolento
Richard - K - Geese, Sagat, Blanka
Rokiseph - K - Todo, Haohmaru, Gief
TCM - C - Geese, Sagat, Iori
Tin (<- Some of you at the US are his friends) - P - Anything (But i remember a Balrog and Cammy)
There are a few more guys but they come rarely, and embarrasingly, I don’t know their names!
But I know theres a
K - Ryo player
K - Blanka player
And please if you’re from Singapore, add yourself in the list.
We all wish we can go to EVO or Tougeki, but we’re so far awayyyyyy…
Yishun Arcade
Yishun guys help out here : D I don’t know everyone there…
And there are more out there
Also, There are the Hong Kong/Macau guys (hi! *Wave) and the Guys over at Malaysia wave!
hmm what about John B(cammy/sagat/chang/R2Blanka) and JAL(Kyo/Cammy/R2Sagat) for P groove? they are really good imo.
jal is already there and john b is your average cvs2 player #2864543. if you want him there then I want in too !
should be up there: biggzy,sanford k
Yeah, seriously…
…except John B.'s better than average…
You probably know more about it than me, but since you listed what games other players are playing now… doesn’t Mago play KOFXI?
Put me (average CvS2 player #2864544) in the Japan contingent!
add Gunter to the,“who needs teammates when I got a-gief” list.
Shit how can I forget fuckin GunterJPN
If i had to list how many games this guy plays i don’t think it would fit in the same post.
paul wall is a animal son
What happen to that really good Jap C-groove Dhalsim Player
Whats his name ?
Iyo is my favorite player to watch. Last videos of him were added 2 months ago so looks like he’s still playing.