shiro needs to not be retired and keep yama players spirits high
lol what
who are you?
Thanks for updating, I was thinking it was a lost cause. Now it’s time for me to work my way into the EU top lol.
I can list them. I would prefer tho if i had their names also, some of their accomplishments would help too. It’s mostly french right now because they are the ones im most familiar with.
which SBO did this happen at?
No problem, Good luck Zen.
Some help with european players :
France :
-Eric “ERK” k groove player, use to be top 3 player from France.Did well on Absolution vs Ino and Daigo on casual.
-Johan “Metisse93or” k groove player.Probably on the top 10 in France.He lost to BAS at Absolution.He defeated Yamazaki93 in two french tournaments.
-Keneth “Ik Rugal” C groove player from Lyon he was the 3rd member of the french team in the last year’s Kage Tougeki in Tokyo.
-Max “Cyberguile”, brother of Ik Rugal, he lost at Absolution to Ino.
-Fabrice “Zouli” C groove player who was the owner of the “french cvs2 training center” in the past :lol:
He lost to BAS at Absolution and he was 2nd and 3rd of two of the cvs2 tournament in Cannes.
Switzerland :
Jimmy “V-Ryu” A groove.He deserves to be on the list even if he is not really a cvs2 player,he is one of the first european player who could make the “bison’s paint the fence” at the begining of the game and could use RC well.Can be considered as retired now thought.
U.K :
Why Ryan heart is on this list ? He plays Tekken and 3rd strike,?not cvs2.
He entered some cvs2 tournament but he surely doesn’t deserve to be on this list.
Germany :
Tsunami and Demulant, both A groove players.They entered french tournaments and did well at Absolution too.
Otherwise, about Joe, it was not tougeki of course, it was a japanese team tournament of last year, maybe Arice, just after kage tougeki.
He was 3rd on a Acho recent tournament as well ( 2 on 2 team with nakanishi ).
For Japan :
There is a lot of very good players who are not on the list, i will give more name later but at least I want to mention AO, kgroove-Ryu kyo Sagat.
Some vids of him from popy.
He is one of the japanese k groove beast.
I think i confused Ryan Heart with Jimmy “V-ryu” but i know whoever it was I saw retired from cvs2. I will go ahead and change that soon as well add the others, thanks for the help and if you know any others dont hesitate to post.
hey smithers, does mr. burns love you yet?:wonder:
They did pretty well the last time they entered a French CvS2 tournament, I think it was WCG in the end of 2k5, Tsunami got 5th place (lost to IK Rugal I think), Demulant got 3rd place (lost to ADM in the semi finals, beat IK Rugal in the match for 3rd place). They also took the top spots in pretty much every tournament in Germany in the last 3 years, I think Demulant won every tournament since 2004 when he beat Chun_li1 except the one in Stuttgart last year which was won by Tsunami (who I think never placed outside of the top 3 - most times 2nd place - in any of the German tournaments in the last 4 or 5 years).
Ultima is by far the best Austrian player, he’s an a-groove player and on the same level as Tsunami and Demulant. He got 2nd place at the Hamburg tournament in 2005 (beat Tsunami, lost to Demulant) and last month he won a tournament in Greece (according to him the best player there is Snake, p-groove, I think he participated in a French tourney last year).
I think the French had additional Fighting Game tournaments at the WCG qualifier events, but those tournaments were not really part of WCG itself (don’t know any details because I was never there myself).
I’m surprised Eric Lee - Leezy isn’t on the Cali list
No S-Groove love?
I prefer someone list down the Arcade location for CVS2 instead of just putting the players names only…
yup, but some Arcade may not have CVS2 machines, right??
I mean at least add the arcade location for those listed CVS2 players.
My country’s CVS2 is death… i may need to find for others CVS2 challengers when travel to oversea.
wtf nestor ima beast on that ass for leaving me out
…lol alex navaroo
You have a point, I guess they should add what machines are there as well.
Wouldnt that deserve a whole new thread? If more people request it i can try to work on that.
He was good in his time. You want to keep the florida torch alive?
well his time better be before like 2002 becuase he hasnt won shit down since then :lol:
anyway FLs 3 best players are coming to ECC I wanna see how both of them one of them has never left FL and the other is an oldschool player
Biggzy and Randomsuper