CvS2 side tourneys *CANCELLED* read last post

yeah bring it. 2/3 = more fun :slight_smile:

I’m going to be blunt about this, if you want to run it 2/3 I’m not doing it. I’ve already stated that I’m running multiple tourneys and playing multiple games on Saturday.

I’ve decided to cancel this. I’m slowly finding out I have a lot on my plate on Saturday and it’s getting to the point where I feel like I’m working and not on a vacation. I’m sorry for canceling so late, but sometimes things pop up.

I’ve left the first post intact in case someone else wants to pick it up.

its ok I can still run the tourney if the other 2 guys want to help me. let me know asap thanks

Me and nagata lock are still having it today come see us at 2:30. Setups are always welcome.

indeed i did as terrible as i thought i was going to.

why can’t i stop dropping customs…?

Did any of the tournaments happen and does anybody know the results?

Been meaning to post here, now that I’m mostly recovered from the evo plague. The regular cvs2 tourney went down on Saturday and was run by myself and Rugal B. 2/3 games, single elim. Rugal kept the bracket, but we had somewhere between 19-29 people actually participate in the tournament (lots of ppl disappeared/dropped out) out of about 35 people who signed up (we gave several refunds). The top 3 were:

  1. Steve Harrison (K-CBS)
  2. Anthony from Oregon (P-Blanka/?/?) (I forget his srk handle, something about geese)
  3. Alex (I forget where he was from or who he played, he disappeared for a long time and was eventually DQ’ed)

Shout out to Rugal B, dude went all out to make it happen, got his cardio in by chasing down all the players who ran off after signing up. Shout out also to all the players who stuck around the tournament area, it sucks that you had to wait for cats to be hunted down before every match. I think we learned some things, and if I go next year, we can do it better.

I wanted to know also, does anybody know who won the casual matches between gene and steve that went down after the tournament ended? I had to leave, which sucked because the rounds I was watching looked pretty intense.