Whoops, I wanted in on the SNK only one as well. Thanks.
I’m thinking of joining, however I do not have a PS2 stick? Will there be any available to borrow when our match comes up?
I will accept “preregs” until Wed at 12. Then you’ll just have to hope that there’s room.
I want in on both please thanks
uh save me and chris piedra a spot please. might not play but at the same time we might.
thing is i might be too busy helping at evo to be able to
also, ghostal gtfo with that umejuarez shit you don’t know about the real DIEGO UMEJUAREZ.
How many setups do you think we’d need to make it 2/3 games Miz (at least for the regular tourney)? Single game would be hella random, and double game seems to be winning the poll. Maybe if we gave a target, people would be more willing to provide setups.
If I get 4 setups for CvS2 I will consider double game single elim. Remember, I am running 2 tourneys, and playing in 3 I kind of want a break in between this madness.
fine fine put me down for the regular tourney too…
I will enter the SNK only tournament.
Put me in for both Miz :).
Is it still a $5 tournament? And do I HAVE to sign up on this list to enter? or would be it first come first serve? I ask because I have 4 people (including myself) who would like to enter. And I’m not sure who wants to do what.
Sign me up for both
id like to be in this as well as my friend beef.
This is basically the list if you want to participate. SNK only is closed, and there’s only 3 more slots for your crew. I will save these spots just for you, but you must give me an answer by midnight today.
sign me in for the reg CVS2 tourney plzz.
Put down
i’m probably going to play like shit in these tourneys, but i’m still pumped about them anyway
Allow me to get in both aswell. When will they be taking place? And where are you going to be?
I can come through with one more ps2 and copy of cvs2. C’mon, doesn’t anybody else want 2/3 to happen?
if anyone doesn’t show up. Please put me down for both of them.