If someone wants to make suggestions about game balances, like giving P-groove super cancels or S-groove an easier time to charge or whatnot, this is NOT the thread to do it in! :mad: Here, we will be talking about how to improve the already decent system interface.
There should be an option to turn handicap off, making it ever so slightly faster to select your team in VS mode
Rematch option is a MUST! Probably the most needed adjustment, would save so much time
For Demo Mode, instead of playing the sequences they have now (random CPU brokenness), the system should play a random replay file kept on the system! Would make passive viewing of the game during downtime entertaining! :hitit:
Multiple Recording inputs in Training Mode, with the ability to have the computer pick one at random. Great for practicing option selects!
More replay options, like pause, fast forward, rewind, slow, and of course, with technology these days, the ability to send out replays over the internet (come on PSN!)
Training Mode input display should have an option for it to be displayed horizontally instead of vertically
Boss Battle should be displayed after unlocking instead of requiring secret button presses
If y’all have any more, please post! Sooner or later, Capcom is going to have to do a re-make of this awesome game; lets give them something to work with!