Well, sure some of you guys have no problem with this, but some others do.
What do you do if you’re stuck in a cross up situation and you’re confused? E.g. Blanka Jump Cross Up Mk, lands, Lk, lk again to push you in range, then Jump Cross up with MK again. And you really don’t want to block it again because thats gonna break your guard soon…
First Step : When U play a character, Find his Cross Up AA, not just his Run of the Mill AA. Use that. Not many people have one. Maki is a Lucky Girl. So’s Rock and Geese. Heck, Blanka too.
Second Step : If he/she doesn’t have one, look at the groove you’re using. Can you roll?
Yes : Is your Roll safe enough to use? Is the opponent some fast arsehole like Vega the wallcrawler who wil just throw you out of your long long roll? If safe, roll, if not, go to no.
No : Can you dodge? Well don’t, please… Unless you’re sure of retaliation. Don’t invite a throw. Can you Hop or Run? YES? DO IT! Practice removing the Phobia of exposing yourself when you run or hop.
Any chance of Counter Attack?
Hoppers : Yeah, but you must have hopped early, and you gotta be a fast hopper.
Runners : Possible, You run a bit, and you do your Normal AA. you’ll turn around and do it.
Are you Todo, Geese or Rock? Can you counter the bugger? Shinryuken anyone? Can you teleport away?
Practice it Now. Remove your fears of Cross Ups. Play hard.