CvS2 bay areaaaaaa

Heading to SVGL tonight with Brotherman. MGL sticks still broken I believe. Anyone else wanna get some games?

Weā€™re running a CVS2 side tourney at MGL Tight or Fight event this Saturday. Will be in the arcade area. 2 PS2 setups.

not fucking around tomorrow

who up in here wants to have a pre NCR meet up at southtown ā€¦ or possibly I can host in Oaklandā€¦ if weather is goodā€¦ also who is going to ncr shit is in our backyard ā€¦


any of you bastards want to come to a bbq im having tonight ā€¦ pm me or call me in you need dirs ā€¦ I live in Oakland near macarthur

Do you guys ever get together in south bay? Iā€™d love to play some casuals, Iā€™ve played a few of you guys at the Southtown tournaments, but itā€™d be cool to play. You know, outside of tournaments and stuff.

Anyone going to SFSU arcade today to play? Iā€™m up for some casuals/money matches :slight_smile:

CvS2 is awesome!!! I love watching this on IPW. :slight_smile:
Keep up the good work gentleman, and remember: Games are about fun, so play what you love to play.

@Matt, I live in SF, but I know 2000watts and others do play in the south bay, at milpitas golfland (when the sticks are working) and sunnyvale golfland. You should post here if you want to go play, and hopefully theyā€™ll see it and respond.

@lookitdisnub - I missed your text yesterday, my bad.

@drizzle - that is our MO.

Just so the word gets out, CvS2 ranbats are coming this Sunday at Southtown arcade. Lets have a big turnout for the last ranbat of the season!

f that ā€¦ esports baby ā€¦ I play cvs for the money ā€¦ the best game has to make money right?


damn people post in here when youā€™re going to have a session ā€¦ I missed the side cvs2 festivities during ncr ā€¦ for some reason I more pissed at that then going 0-2

Were there any side festivities? No one posted up besides Phil about playing at RnC on Sunday morning, so I didnā€™t think anything was going on at NCR. Last I heard at MGL was that Terry hadnā€™t confirmed any side events and no one mentioned interest in playing at RnC, so I wrote off going this year.

lionx , ghost , sam and others played with tyram and I think some guy from socal in the arcade at sfsu ā€¦ they didnt invite me ā€¦ I cried

I think I saw it from Aaronā€™s youtube, but people should post in this thread, too.

Unfortunately I wonā€™t be able to make it this Sunday to the ST Ranbat, so somebody else will have to get 2nd. I havenā€™t played at all since the last one. If anybody is up for some games on Friday or Saturday let me know. Iā€™m still up for money matches :slight_smile:

Agreed. People should post up here. I check the other threads like MGL and Southtown, but this is the only thread that is devoted to CVS2.

Anyone playing anywhere tonight?

There was a lot of confusion about NCR, I just showed up because I heard people were going the night before, and because it was practically in my back yard. I will try to get more communication going next time. Got a good set with Senor Payaso (read:beatdown) at NCR, hopefully he makes it out on Sunday.

Speaking of communication, I got word that Gamecenter in downtown San Mateo has cvs2 now. That place stays open pretty late and is the closest thing to a halfway point between South Bay and the city, so it may be a good place for us all to meet up. Anybody been there recently?

Iā€™m really busy this weekend, so I doubt I can play before the ranbat. Iā€™ll post here if I can play tomorrow night though.

Oh nice. If thatā€™s true, I can take extended lunches and play midday, 'cause who wants to be at work anyway?

Are the sticks at MGL working? Iā€™ll go to SVGL tonight if not.

Game Center has CVS2. One sit-down cabinet like the ones at Southtown. $2 deposit for the game card, $0.25 per game. Itā€™s not h2h, so itā€™ll be cramped playing against another human. Left side is good, right side has minor issues with hitting the downward angles, but itā€™s playable. Buttons are spaced a bit wide between the two rows. Seems like a nice place to play. I work in Belmont, so itā€™s on the way home for me. People post up if you wanna play there.