Does anyone notice a need to readjust themselves when they go to an arcade after playing at home with their custom sticks?
How do you get over possible differences (looser springs, more responsive buttons, having controls at a fixed height, etc.)? I’m personally used to my JLF with a Seimitsu spring, but the cabinets here are (likely) all stock Sanwa parts, so their springs are a lot looser than I’m used to. My tighter Seimitsu spring allows me to use a rather lax grip, but I notice when I’m playing on actual cabinets, I tend to overshoot inputs (e.g. jumping when I mean to switch from crouching to standing block).
Can’t say it’s a problem for me since there are no more arcades. (ZING!) But before the great arcade massacre I didn’t have an arcade stick at home; every arcade in NYC had something iffy with the buttons/stick so there really wasn’t a choice. Hopefully you get a run through arcade mode and just get used to it before you have to do versus. Chinatown Fair’s MvC2 joysticks were hella loose and would stick so you had to be careful, then the CvS2 joysticks were ridiculously tight and would pop back to neutral like a rubber-band so you had to be a little rougher, then the arcades that used to adorn Times Square all had controls in even more disarray. You just get used to it I guess.
From your info I’m assuming you mean Japanese arcades which for the most part should have parts in pristine working condition. By that regard if you just need to get accustomed to a slight difference in feel but the parts are still working; you’re already well on your way. Don’t think about it too much and just play, your hands will eventually just get it.
Sad to say, it can be pretty difficult to adjust between different controller setups. Your best bet is just to give yourself a chance to warm up at the arcade, and/or put similar parts in your own stick that they have at the arcade. I have the same problem where I tend to “over-input” motions at the arcade, due to the fact that their springs are looser and the gates are sloppier from repeated use.