CTF Weekly SSF4 and 3s results(9/30/10)

Fun times as always. alot of ppl calling each other out for next week.

SSF4: top 8 (20 Players)

1st- EMP Dieminion (Guile)
2nd- Chris Hu (Ryu)

Spore (Fuerte)
EMP Jago (Bison)

Mike Infinite (Juri)
Auto-Demon (Akuma)
Noel Fucking Brown (Vega)
Erik Smoothviper (Geif)

3S: top3 not sure but from what i saw i think
1st Frankie (Ken SAIII)
2nd Chris G. (Yang)
3rd Green Tea (Ken SAIII)

frankie can confirm 3s results

had a great time as usual, ggs all.