nah DJ and I are old “buds”, if he ignores the request it’ll be because of his usual “well i’ve been put on blast time to disappear for 24 hours” move
on a more serious note, i’m probably (definitely) a potmonster in AE and Marvel but I’m more than glad to enter (fill the pots of) either of those events if i have a good excuse to show up. i’ll probably be in west MA the day before so traveling shouldn’t be too bad. where can i find details for the event?
but yeah i apologize if i came off like that. i don’t mean to intrude on your scene at all
Nope just a honest curiosity when someone who has not posted in the thread previously posts a mm in the thread. But in lieu of your recent information proceed monsier
supporting the scene. i like that. I am so sick of people showing up to events and just sitting around doing casuals and not playing in any of the tourneys going on, then go back and complain about the game like they had real experience.(its not just one person either its multiple people doing so) I haven’t seriously touched sf4 or any variation of it since feb, yet ill always enter just to make it bigger/better for anyone that traveled and for the local scene. I dont even own mk i do it for that.
hahahaha that was me in every tournament, I need to fire up ye olde xbl for something other than netflix and hulu. They just got OG Xmen on their to : /
I respect that Essex. When I can get down to the next tourney hopefully in August (depending on theatre and shit) I’ll enter MvC no matter how free I’ll be.
Does anybody know how i can forward an idea to capcom or seth killian?
Now that button remapping is big in the community i say the button mapping should be done in HDR or SFA2 PSX fashion where you just press the button then toggle left or right to find the button you want.
with all the dual mods done incorrectly its easy to forget what button does what. saves time on the button checks.
Thats an amazing idea. You come up with that on your own or did you maybe glean it from the other thousand people that already suggested it.
HAHahahahaha ahhhh kid. Thanks for the laugh. Suggest all you want, you’ll find out soon enough that your ideas have no bearing on my actions. I will say what I want when I want. Im around plenty so if that bothers you, just give me a tap on the shoulder. I’ll be happy to let you blow it out your ass.
don’t mind me though, as my avatar shows, i’m just a highly attractive japanese female posting on this social media board which is mainly used for meetups revolving around the competitive fighting game scene