Crossing under during CADC combos

Has anyone figured WTF is up with that and how to stop it? Any particular timing? I only do the bnb with c.LP, one c.HP CACD because it’s the only one guaranteed not to dash under.

I’ve been having the same problem. I team him up with Ryu at the moment, and here’s what I’ve been able to figure out.

  1. Off a launcher, he almost always crosses up. What I’ve done here is finish the combo with this - cr.LP, cr.HP, CACD, cl.HP XX HCF LK
  2. If I quick cancel in off Ryu’s uppercut, it almost always does not cross up. But some times it does - you have to delay the cr.HP after the CACD a little bit. Here I finish up with cr.HP, CACD, cr.HP, CACD, cl.HP XX HCF LK

The delay seems to be the key, and also it’s probably character specific.

A guy named kataridragon posted in another thread that holding down at the end of the dash helps prevent this. Couple holding crouch with hitting the cr.HP as late as possible and you should find more success in the loop.

Another tip is to connect the Cr.Hp at max range. You’re much more likely to cross up on the juggle if Cr.Hp connects at Range 0 or point blank range. Different combos cause Cr.Hp to connect at different distances which can explain some of the inconsistency. The farther away you are when Cr.Hp hits, the easier it is to CADC juggle.

Ya, that’s why doing the jab first allows this to work better when the move you do prior to the cr.HP leaves you very close. The advice that NeoBlood pointed out actually helps quite a bit, holding down and doing the HP late seems to solve the problem, but it’s going to take some getting used to.

If you’re having trouble with it during a match, start with one stand jab before you start cr. fiercing. However, it is entirely possible to begin with a cr. fierce CADC and NOT cross under with the entire cast and without waiting for the opponent to drop in the air at all (aka without delaying your first cr. fierce after being switched into). Go into training mode and carefully watch your inputs. What works for me (might not work for everyone) is after I dash with ONLY two forward inputs (don’t mash dash with any more forward-forward), you CANNOT hold forward at all as after you recover from the dash, you will be moved in behind the opponent.
After the CADC, you can hold df or d or db(db not practical since you will be doing a QCB soon) or leave the stick at neutral (this works best for me) before your next cr. fierce. Practice whatever works for you, but again, it is possible and execution-wise practical to start with a cr. fierce. Also, these work anywhere on screen.

The combos I use after launcher or switch cancel are:

  1. cr.HP xx CADC, cr.HP xx CADC, cl.HP xx LK Alter Ego/super/cross art (anywhere on screen)
  2. cr.HP xx CADC, cr.HP xx CADC, cr.HP xx CADC, cr.HP xx switch cancel(anwhere on screen)
  3. cr.HP xx CADC, cr.HP xx CADC, cr.HP xx CADC, cr.HP xx CADC backward (useful in corner, puts them in a mixup situation)

edit: It might go without saying, but after some partners’ switch cancels, you cannot begin with a cr. fierce because the opponent with fall too fast. I can’t think of a sure example, but if in training mode it seems impossible to even connect an initial cr. fierce off of your partner’s switch cancel, then just make the combo start with a st. jab.

It might also go without saying, but starting your raven switched-into-combos with a st. jab takes up one juggle and you won’t be able to do as many cr. fierce CADC’s - and the jab scales the combo the same without doing as much damage. So it is strictly better to start with a cr. fierce CADC combo rather than St. jab