So here’s the FT10 set I did with SHOTOJON. video size is rather big, but I have yet to figure out how to pull off 720p with smaller sizes.
A couple of losses from recent ranked adventures. Hit me with it. I will also put more Losses and a couple wins. Even with my wins I want to see if any one thinks I should try different shit. Thanks!
Bison match:
This bison was playing you with a thoughtful, delayed, and safe pressure game. You can’t be spamming reversals and throwing out high risk guesses against that. You also aren’t going to crouching jab your way out of the corner against it. Yes, you want to be on offense, but sometimes the reality of the situation is you have to play defense until you can escape.
Poison match:
IMHO? More fireballs, More air fireballs, less chasing, more strike and retreat.
Vs poison you lost because you messed your inputs, you burnt three meters for no reason and didn’t go for high damage when you were supposed to. You can ex tatsu on wake up against her fireball, you can play close range against her and ex tatsu whenever she thorws a fireball and she’ll stop throwing anything, and for jump ins do DJ Mk, if fucks her AA timing!!!
Against bison, ummmm I think you have to start using your meter a bit better, use more ex tatsu and less ex flip, less ramdon stuff and more patiently wait for something.
points taken. thanks. Iwill share more soon.
I will say as you can probably tell, I am not playing my best nowadays, I only get on late late nights and theres not a lot of quality in ranked as compared to other time slots.
I will be looking for more input. thanks again homies!