Crimson legends SSFIV team

This new clan thread of ours is to be used to make things more organized.

If you already joined just post in this thread and you will be written down.
We have 5 spots opened and we need atleast 2 people who would like to stream our matches.

Why you want to join:

Send me a message on psn saying you joined and please join our clan site. We will be having more events and such being set up and we will share them with everyone here. Also Matches are held fridays and saturday nights at 9pm-11pm eastern.

Name: Kaz(Psn:Tokenluis)
Main: El Fuerte
Why: I just want to have as many places as I can to level up.

Why you want to join: just want to play with people

Name: M1tchapalooza
Main: Balrog,DeeJay
Why you want to join: People to play with so i can level up

Name: obsidian_brain
Main: Juri, Hakan
Why you want to join: To challenge other people

This thread is dead.

Our discussions are usually held here now: