Crazy karas

Remy can utilize kara-cancels to his advantage moreso than the rest of the cast.

  • He has 2 karas (mp, far hk) which both have no directional requirements so he isn’t bound by a single directional kara throwing game (Q or akuma).

  • Remy can also make use his crouching mp kara to add distance to his razorkick, which makes certain combos possible (cr.fierce, cbk, kara-razorkick), and makes his anti air range much more deceptive. It should also be noted that he can also combo a kara-razorkick in the corner after a neutral grab on characters that he normally could not with a regular razorkick.

  • Kara-roundhouse CBK gives him another option to escape from the corner. You can also space yourself differently with kara short or mk cbks.

  • The fact that Remy has a punch and kick kara means that he can kara both his supers. Kara supers are very powerful. You can kara saII to punish things from further away, like a shoto Kara saI can be hit-confirmed off a cl. hk (works on standing) or if they are hit crouching. It can also be used to punish things that are normally safe on Remy, like an Alex EX elbow rush.

I should use karas more!

info is good…how do you do the Kara CBK?

qcb+MP~kick button

don’t forget you can kara-cancel the UOH

and btw, does anyone of you have a good tip on how to learn the timing to kara-cancel? I’m having a hard time pulling it of right sometimes.


yes, of course I realize that, what I mean is can anybody explain the timing for me?

Drum the two buttons one after another, like a piano, two notes in quick succession, but not simultaneous. The idea is to get the first few frames of the to come out, so Remy steps forward a little but it cancels into the special move. If you could slow the game speed down significantly, you could do, then within a few frames, do qcb+k and it would work. By doing qcb, that’s already buffered and qcb + mp does nothing but mp, then the kick registers are qcb + kick… Kara-ing the kick.

Speaking of Karas, does anyone know what Kara is being used for this grab?


The end of the first round.
