She can kick some serious ass
**To the Mods: **If you feel my post doesn’t really help anyone, or worse, that it’s just really bad advice, please feel free to close this thread.
Hello Makoto forums. I’m actually not big on opening up another thread since we have so many floating around, but I notice we’ve been getting a steady influx of new players, some of which are brand new to fighters, and frankly, they generally have no idea where to start since we have so much information. There is a small section in the Q&A titled “where to start”, but I don’t feel it gives brand new players enough of a framework in which they can base their play. Now that that’s out of the way, on to the guide!
To help new players develop a “big picture” understanding of Makoto. Keep in mind this guide is made to be used in conjunction with the first page of the Q&A thread.
Let me start by having you envision the way you want to play Makoto as a picture puzzle. If you’ve never tried one of these things, let me elaborate on the general technique used to solve them. First, you start by putting together the pieces that make up the outer edges of the puzzle, then, once you have your framework established, you slowly work your way toward the center. If we translate this analogy into Street Fighter terms, the outer edges represent your overarching goals in a match, while the inner pieces (safe jumps, meaties, baits, ect) make up the details that help you achieve that goal.
Your incomplete Rindokan Karate style
What is Makoto’s overall strategic goal?
This is a question not many newer players ask themselves, but it is absolutely integral to winning. What should you be striving for when you play Makoto?
-You want to score a knockdown
That hurts, doesn’t it, bitch?
Yes, it really is that simple (not really, it’s actually really fucking complex, but this is a beginner’s guide). But you can see from one broad goal, you can start to put together a plan of attack. Makoto has a ridiculous amount of tactics to employ when she sends her opponents to the ground and therefore should be the cornerstone of a new player’s strategy.
An example:
Very Basic gameplan:
I want to put my opponent on the mat
how do I do that?
[INDENT=1]-dash up to my opponent and use cr.HP or EX-Oroshi[/INDENT]
I’ve got them down, now what do I do?
[INDENT=1]-use forward dashes to push them into the corner[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]-meaty set-up or throw[/INDENT]
Notice how from a very basic, broad goal I was able to pick attacks and follow-ups? This is what I meant by establishing a framework and working within it. As you play more and more, you’ll eventually start expanding or modifying your plan.
This picture has absolutely nothing to do with this guide
Gameplan pt 2!!! (now modifying from experience):
I want to put my opponent on the mat
how do I do that?
[INDENT=1]-dash up to my opponent and use cr.HP or EX-Oroshi[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1](opponents are getting wise, time to add more options)[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]-Mix cr.HP and EX-Oroshi from s.MP block strings[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]-EX-Hayate (tech-able knockdown, be careful about quick rise)[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Best used off of cr.MP Option-Select (what’s an option-select? Look it up in the Q&A thread)[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]-start practicing links because I want to be able ground my opponent from a Jab string or two linked s.MP (long term project)[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]***problem: projectile characters are keeping me out.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]-time to start learning how to use Tsurugi so I can go airborne without exposing myself too much[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]-look up section “How to get in without dying” in Q&A thread[/INDENT]
I’ve got them down, now what do I do?
[INDENT=1]-use forward dashes to push them into the corner[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]-meaty set-up[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]***Another Problem!!! opponents love mashing SRK…fucking scrubs[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]-add Safe-jumps and back-dash baits into post knockdown options (visit Q&A thread and research)[/INDENT]
NEW!!! Defense
Opponents keep pressuring me with block strings, possible solutions?
[INDENT=1]-Make a read, use the armor from EX-Karakusa or the invincibility frames from EX-Oroshi to turn the tide and put the opponent back in Knockdown state allowing me to get back to my original gameplan.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]-Go to Q&A thread for research (Noticing a pattern yet?)[/INDENT]
As you can see, this second version adds much more and it will keep getting larger as you gain experience. Eventually, you’ll get to the point where you’re breaking down match-ups to the minutest of details, but before you can get to the complex, you need to start with the simple. In this case, it all begins with “I want to put the opponent on the ground”.