I’ll post my understanding, if someone could correct me and give me more input that would be appreciated:
In order to counter/tech a throw you have to be in standing position (forward or backwards medium or fierce P/K) NOT crouching position.
What’s the best way to counter throw pressing multiple buttons?
I’m Ryu let’s say and I got thrown by Ken with his knee bash… he jumps at me and I block an attack and then he knee bashes me again and repeats. What am I supposed to do here?
Am I supposed to try to dragon punch the jumping jab? Can I counter throw?
I heard that it’s 100% possible to escape any throw by holding up (not up forward or back) because the game engine puts you in aerial mode?
True - unless it is a command throw or you’re playing Zangief
Only the buttons that actually have a throw command mapped to it. For many characters, that is either hard punch and hard kick, or medium and hard punch. some characters, particularly Honda and Gief have more than that. Also, counter-throwing only works if you are in range.
The throws all have the same speed (instantaneous) and priority (auto-hit if in range), but some can do it farther away than others. It is common to cleverly attack so as one is in one’s own throw range and not your opponents. A common tactic used my players with big throw ranges is to add “spacer” hits into their pre-throw sequence that places the characters at the desired ranges.
The defender gets the first chance at reversing or throwing, and if they are in range, has one frame where the throw will even beat a meaty attack. (an attack that’s hitting the very moment you are getting up) - but you have to be in range - if you both try to throw each other at the exact same time, then the game flips a coin.
Lots of options
Yes and yes. DP the jab is the single best option as it is 100% safe if done correctly. Counter-throw works well since Ryu and Ken have the same throw range. It gets tricky when ken starts throwing Dragon Punches instead of throwing - then it’s a guessing game. The grapplers can still use their negative-edge throws - everyone else must either guess correctly, or use a reversal that starts invulnerable and will actually hit when the DP’s invulnerability wears off - don’t know if that move exists.
Best to just try to reverse the first hit - but it is very posssible to DP in between the hit and the throw. Watch the SRK though.
That would be incorrect. It takes several frames to be put in the air, since throws take no real time, you won’t get in the air fast enough to get away unless the throw is botched so badly that you could have jabbed out of it instead. Akuma’s demon is an exception provided you were standing when the flash went off.
First off throws and holds are different things. A throw is a single animation throw that you can tech or soften, like Dictator’s throw or Ryu’s throws. A hold is something that hits multiple times, like Ken’s knee bash or Sim’s noogie.
If an opponent throws you with a normal throw, you have 13 frames to input a throw command of your own, to soften or tech the throw. This will reduce the damage on the throw. However if you are in dizzy and your opponent throws you, if the damage of the throw without a tech will kill you for the round, you cannot tech the throw. If the full damage won’t kill you then a tech will work if you are in dizzy.
Holds you need to struggle out of, by mashing buttons and wiggling the joystick. They cannot simply be softened with a single tech throw input. Also keep in mind if you are playing a charge character that you might want to preserve charge when you are wiggling the joystick to get out of a hold, so wiggle in one direction.
You must use a [media=youtube]6i1TPQQ_AVA"[/media] to beat the throw. There are two types of reversals. Reversal attacks and reversal throws. Reversal throws aren’t going to work if you are using a character with a smaller throw range than the character that your opponent is using.
If Ken ticks you and you think he’s going to throw you, you have to use a reversal to beat his throw attempt. If he is within throw range then you could also attempt to reversal throw him (this is much harder though).
Jumps take multiple frames to come out. Let’s say you are playing as Zangief, he has a 5 frame jump. So if your opponent ticks you, if you hold up to jump, they have five frames to throw you. A good opponent is always going to throw you. You can’t jump out of a perfect tick.
As far as the jumping jab goes, it’s a [media=youtube]t8dD3K2_Pz4#t=5m48s"[/media], so reversals aren’t going to help you out much against that. Against safe jumps you need to block and react appropriately to the situation.
nothing really teaches you like playing though. footsying grab range is an integral part of certain characters gameplay and will teach you about grabs way more than any amount of forum knowledge
What character are you using? You need to know your characters throw commands if you are trying to use a reversal throw. And if you have a smaller throw range than Sim and he’s out of range…then reversal throwing won’t work.
If you try to reversal throw when your opponent throws out an attack (especially a meaty one) if you mistime the throw you eat the attack.
Here’s a [media=youtube]_tkjLxu_mTk&feature=PlayList&p=8E97E379515690E7&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=38"[/media] between Yuu and Gian where Yuu reversal throws and jumps away from a tick throw. The reversal throw happens because he knows he cannot jump out of Sim’s noogie from that range and frame advantage so he must reversal. The jump away works because Gian wastes frames walking in or is out of throw range. You see Gian attempt the throw as standing fierce comes out as YuuVega jumps away.
You wanna stagger the inputs slightly so they don’t all come in on overlapping frames. The idea about using four throw buttins is to get four frames worth of throwing input.
Yes but only against throws NOT holds. Remember, Sim’s noogie is a hold and not a normal throw so a tech or soften will not do anything. You need to struggle out of holds. You can’t soften a noogie or a knee bash, they are holds, you must struggle out of them.
Now that I know that you are using Ryu I’ll see if I can find a match where Ryu gets in and out of the noogie hold.
You’ve got 13 frames and four chances. You know the piano method for inputs? Same thing here.
ryu can’t counter throw sim usually. not unless sim is doing it too deep.
instead you’ve got something even better.
after the first loop you can dp after the grab and it will tag either the drill or slide followup. then you can dp again after getting hit by the slide/grab.
this in fact gives you 2 chances to get out
so during the noogie, once you’re in falling recovery and you see sim try and meaty his tick you dp + jab ~ strong ~ fierce release jab ~ release strong ~ release fierce. I do this by staggering my three fingers over the punch buttons when I press them then releasing in a staggered manner.
if that fails you can still dp + jab ~ release jab (I just double tap with index + middle finger) and if he blocks you’ll be fairly safe.