Counter Intelligence: The anti-Rolento Tech Thread

Ok guys, I know we’ve all been thinking it. This board is for both Rolento users and the people who hate them.

-What strategies have you found to frustrate Rolento players?

-How are Rolento players dealing with their bad match ups?

Ready set go.

I hate when people alpha counter my patriot circle, but luckily it seems like nobody does it. Maybe it’s not really worth the meter, but I absolutely love doing it to other Rolentos.

rolento doesnt have a good answer for constant cross up pressure afaik other than jump back strong which leads to nothing other than getting out of pressure. if you get inside his standing strong anti-air you can jump in for free. only other answer could be close standing fierce (kinda like fei longs) but have to have good reactions for it. i dk yet, still need to test it

Blocking. Alpha counters. Rolento, done.

No, within stand m range we can jump back lp. Block rolebtk, counter, backdash since there’s no way to optionselect jabs with sweep in this game due to autocombos. If you think he’s going to do some sort of pogo Oki, roll forward then jump back and press a button. Rolento has no answer to that. You can zone the shit out of him too if you’re good
Rolento is top 10 at best. The real bs in this game is zangief. Dumb, broken character design

so his weakness is crossups? wow thats kinda stupid considering hes got probably the best normal AA in the game, and jump back knife. I hate fighting this character, I cant believe he can hit confirm outside of DP range, and hes got frame advantage…if u fail to hit confirm and just go into rekka. Im trying my hardest to hold back my rage, I hope some solid anti-rolento stuff comes soon.

Whilst yes he can do all that. You have to bear in mind his damage isn’t that great at all. Invariably he’s going to get about 250 damage on you. Meanwhile characters like Akuma are going to get 350+ damage on you, on a combo with lesser-scaling, so viable to extend to 500+ with a tag in.

Rolento is pretty good, safe, his vulnerability is that he doesn’t have enough options. When he’s in the air, he can cross up one way, cross up another, or go for a safe jump and block. Compared to characters like Akuma he has much less options and as a result should be pretty easy for you to predict and counter. At the best of times, realistically Rolento going in is only a 50/50 for him.

So what you’ve got to do is learn the specific patterns of the player you’re playing against and punish every opportunity possible, block others. Not sure about zoning him out as someone else suggested, since he has a fair number of punishes for zoners, and try to avoid jumping at him although cross-ups can apply relatively safe pressure.

Alpha counters are also extremely effective against Rekka, as mentioned by others in this thread. A good rolento won’t go into Rekka if you’re blocking though. Personally since I suck I often use the first hit of rekka as part of the hit confirm, you could punish this mistake very easily.

I’m finding this character difficult to punish at all. I just got murdered by a Rolento online, it was near a perfect, but I had a solid defense against him, Just no idea when I can actually interrupt his seemingly constant pressure… jab, jab , jab , jab all fucking day…

I use Asuka’s counter against Rolento and his jab happy play, once he has been hit once or twice he’ll try to actually play footsies

Alpha counters seem to be a bit hit and miss depending on the char but something to try i guess. Online he’s a nightmare, long range jab pressure is annoying as funk.

Command grabs seem to be pretty effective after a blocked patriot circle…

Don’t understand why there is Rolento threads. All Rolento users do is mk > rekkas > slide, rinse and repeat.

I dont understand this post at all

