Could I get testicular cancer of some sort for putting my fightstick on my lap?

Please answer this. I’m concerned and have had a large lump on my right testicle ever since I bought my TE fighstick.

Um, rather bizzare question lol. I very much doubt it is caused by the TE stick because it does not get hot or give out any radiation I don’t think. I heard something about Laptops causing testicular cancer too but all these claims are usually made by mad scientists and the chance of it happening is like 1/100000.

If you are worried go to the doctors, no use posting here. If it’s serious rather do something now than be sorry later…

Go to the doctor. Immediately. Sue Mad Catz, too.

If this is a troll, hat’s off, I lol’d.

If not, Doctor, ASAP. Highly doubt it being the TE’s fault.

Not from putting it in your lap but you will get it from calling it a “fightstick”.

U must have huge testicles

I’m going to say no(since it doesn’t emit radiation). Go see the doctor.

“Testicular Cancer” and “Fightstick” don’t even blend or sit in the same context unless you were mashing your nuts with the fightstick