Cool CVS 2 stuff

This really sounds like the end-result of what happens when K-Groove attempts to JD out of a free jump-in setup. Happens more than people realize, though the activation’s news to me. Good stuff.

C-Ken (or any Ken) is really good at depleting guard meter.
If you ever get your opponents guard meter blinking, then score a knockdown, following up with (blocked) cross-up forward, st. fierce XX jab shoryuken will ALWAYS guard break your opponent.
You know what to do next.

that’s pretty damn gay nick.

thanks fag.


here’s something for Ken players…

When you do lvl 2 cancel shoryureppa into command roll, do strong roll instead of jab. Sometimes people miss it with jab roll for some reason. If you do strong roll, do the stick motions during the recovery of the command roll, then hit fierce when you recover, the DP ALWAYS hits. It puts you at the correct range at the correct time for inputting the command.


Don’t JD ;p hehe

Oh man, Nick T. is a beast.

Good shit Nick T.! I knew that ken roll thing, the other trick, is to learn to do the jab roll as late as possible, like right after ken hits with the last hit of the shoryureppa, it sets up the spacing perfectly, the only thing it doesn’t setup is getting all three hits.

So this isn’t exactly cool, but it’s intersting.

When the screen scrolls over, it seems that you actually stay closer to the person than you normally would. For instance, with kyo cr.short x2 xx lk upkicks land lvl 2 orochinagi, this works with or without the screen scrolling. But too me the combo seems much easier if the screen scrolls, like you land much closer to the opponent. It could just be my imagination though, anyone else noticing anything weird about the screen scroll?

also here’s a cool little trick with yun that is completely pointless, you know the normal chain where you do the dp+mp and then do jump whiff dive kick, jump strong fierce chain? wellllll, if you want to easily get one more in there, for a littlemore stun and to look awesome, is as soon as you hit the last tiger knee the dive kick super, (qcbx2+k in the air) if you do it right you land well before the opponent allowing you to easily relaunch. Now theoretically on chun-li you could do three reps of the whiff dive kick combo than on the last one whiff the super and go for another two or three reps, I haven’t actually done this cause it’s hard, but if I ever make a combo video that shit is going in.

i thought that yun t hing was displayed in the Sai rec vids? To my understanding, the lvl 2 cancel resets the juggle count, so you can rejuggle again…

Nah it’s just the that you are able to juggle off of his cls.Mk as long as you super jump. So by whiffing a divekick you can juggle with pretty much anything.

Sai rec used lvl 2 cancels to do alot of them on chun li somethign like 6. My way is just another interesting looking setup for it.

well i think that I can counter that Nick T strategy with K Geese…when you JD that, do low counter (hcb + fp) when she lands (i assume you’re talking about sakura). Or can’t you just super jump back after the JD? uh with K Rock can you do the RH shift (qcb + RH) after JDing the mk? i know it’s not like Garou where you can cancel out of the JD but w/e.

uh i guess for my “cool thing”, I like how you can do a body hop with Vega’s f + Rh. just too cool.
when you use K Geese and you play Blanka, throw some jab reppukens full screen (like one or two). most likely that Blanka will try to do Blanka ball or a level 3 Direct Lighting. You recover fast enough to do the high counter (hcb + jab). Adds to your rage metter as well.