So I’ve been using the search button (which thankfully chose to work this morning!), and I’m thinking that I need to hunt down a pattern flush trim bit (third one down at this link):
I have a Rockler store here locally, so I might pay them a visit.
So anyway, here’s the workpiece - a 5/8" piece of MDF or plywood (haven’t decided), and a 1/8" piece of plexi. 4 Sanwa JLF sticks, 24 OSBN 30 screw-in buttons, and 4 Happ Ultimate pushbuttons (player 1-4 start).
Oddly, my goal is to get the dust washer underneath rather than on top of the control panel. Rare these days, I know…
So Timoe did this nice tutorial on making a jig, then proceeded to never show off his Sanwa jig:
I guess what I’m asking is that if I can get away with top-mounting the JLF plate, have the dust washer underneath, and still have the thing looking good, what’s the best way to go about it? I have the center-point marked on my overlay, so I was figuring that I’d take my “spare” overlay that the printers damaged (see my other thread), sandwich it between the 5/8" wood, and 1/8" plexi, clamp it, and drill all of my pilot holes. or, drill just the holes for the stainless bolts that will hold the two together long-term, then bolt them together, THEN drill all of my pilot holes. either way. So that gives me a marking point for everything on both plexi and wood.
Do I then follow the tutorial once I have a JLF show up to make a jig, and somehow do the square-inside-a-rectangle cut, and come back with a router bit to carve out where the mounting plate will set?
Throw me a bone here guys - I really screwed this up last time, and I want to get it right this time through. I want to get the stick depths perfect, and if I’m going to make a JFL jig I want that to be perfect so I can re-use on the 3 sticks I’m in progress building (oops, did I say that?)
Essentially, I want 4 joystick holes that either look like this, or the appropriate bottom-mount matching design: