[Contest] Series 1 DMG shirt Giveaway!

Hi I’m Philski from Dominion Method Gaming (DMG), we recently made some shirts for our team and would like to give some away.

Pictures of the shirts can be viewed below.
[Contest] Series 1 DMG shirt Giveaway! | Dominion Method Gaming

Here are the rules:

[*]**RT the following **
I am entering in the @DMG_citadel Shirt Contest! You should too!
[Contest] Series 1 DMG shirt Giveaway! | Dominion Method Gaming #dmgshirt

[]The contest is based off points ? following/fanning our sponsors will give you 1 point allowing you higher chances of winning.
]**Fan *on facebook.com Dominion Method Gaming ? Focus-Attack ? Bifuteki
[]**Follow **on twitter.com Focus-Attack ? Bifuteki
]Comment below with your twitter, facebook, srk name.
[]If we receive a large turnout we will giveaway two shirts. (only sizes Small ? Large)
]Duration of the contest will be for one week starting August 25th & ending September 1st @ 2359EST
[]At the end a winner will be announced via facebook, website, and twitter. The winner will have 24 hours to contact us back or another contestant will be announcedSorry for all the rules, in the end it?ll be worth it!
Comment here as well and that will be counted as 1 point.

Good stuff. Gimme my shirt :stuck_out_tongue:

No one wants a free shirt?

After that bull shit “very important message” thread I don’t think anyone would want a free shirt from you guys. :coffee:

Plus that is too much work for a shirt…

I’m sorry you feel that the rules are too much, but remember this is not mandatory.