Connecting xxSupers

Im sure there is no universal way to do it, but would some people please post up how to connect Supers from standard combos… for example… a standard Sakura combo: c. :lk: c. :lk: s. :lk: xx :qcf::qcf: :hk:

i need all the help i can get… and im sure once i learn here, it can be used in other games like cvs2 and 3s

I do it the way you just wrote it down. Input all the normals you want and then input the command for the super and activate it with the right button.

Training is the key. I’ll garantee you have it down after at least two weeks with a daily training of 30 mins everyday. You can’t really learn it in just one day of exercise. (Maybe you won’t need two weeks, but I think it’s the max amount of time you’ll need.)

You can start to train to execute the super after one crouching short. But be aware to input the normal and only then start the command of the super. (Just because you later can hit confirm out of two normals.)

You can buffer motions, but don’t get used to such techniques plz. THe only SF were you have to buffer is in ST. In ST you just can’t do cr. lp x3 then input the Super Command and activate with the right button. In ST you have to use a buffer techniwue. In “modern” SF’s you don’t have to.

If you’re still having trouble pulling that combo off try c.LK, c.LK, qcf+LK, qcf+HK.

If you can pull off combos without buffering anything that’s great, but there’s nothing wrong with buffering inputs.
Practice your combos, try different ways of doing them, and use whatever technique that works best for you.

buffering commands is great, but for certain characters you’re going to run into problems. try, qcb,, qcb+kick super with ken. hard to do without getting a hurricane kick in there.


You can also use c.LK, qcb, d, db+LK, b+HK and avoid hurricane problems. His level 3 kick super is not worth the meter anyway, but just in case …

cool ill give this a whirl

yeah, i was just being theoretical :wink:

If you’re still having issues there is a great FAQ on It was written by Nefdar and has a section that gives a good description on how to buffer specials and supers in general.