Connecting a jump in combo

sometimes in the midst of battle o might accidently land a tj. lk and land but then im so far away from the opponenet i try and do a lk, mk launch but it doesnt connect or i try and just do a launch but they block it is there a special way to connect a jump in attack land and launch and have it combo

Dash in before doing c.hp.

yeah sometimes dashing works, but i noticed if i just do a tj. lk mk slowly, if i hit, i can just land and do a C.hp and it connects. i guess i will learn hot to naturally dash if i press it too hard by accident and im still in the air when the mk hits.

well I don’t know, you almost always have the time to land and start a launch,

if you don’t know already, Doom’s square jump is godly, try practicing nj.u adf cross up,, land, dash launch.

You could dash first like the people above have said, but I prefer to just use df.Hk to launch them., V df.Hk ^

The range on the df.Hk seems to be long enough that it will connect in most situations, and it’s much quicker than cr.Hp. Also, it seems like the jumping mk doesn’t put them in hitstun long enough to hit with a dashing attack, but I might just be too slow.