Congrats. you're the father. Get outta the room please

Once she’s pregnant all of that is completely moot.

Also, society has failed to teach men to see those red flags, or else normalize them to the point where weighing against being in a relationship/getting laid is more important than realizing how badly you can fuck up by being with a woman like that. Most people can’t conceive of bad it really is until they’re smack dead in the middle of it. I know I didn’t. :tup:

Isn’t this victim blaming?

“Hey you’re bf beat you up and raped you…well just don’t pick up assholes anymore.”

you cant say that!

Good. :coffee: I don’t want to be in there anyway, and now I won’t have to come up with a bullshit excuse as to why I’ll be in the waiting room when that’s going down. If you’re a guy and you do want to be in there, you’re out of your fucking mind. I watched the birth video in health class. You think I want to see that shit IRL? Hell no. And if you want to want to have sex again, you don’t either. This is a good thing. Gives us an excuse to not have to see things you don’t ever want to see and have your hand crushed when she has a contraction.

Actually men try to inform other men, but they just don’t listen.

Like the dude I mentioned before, how many of us told him don’t hook up your chick with a position at your job and that maybe he could do better. He kept telling us how “perfect” she is and how they were going to buy a house together. Now the bitch took his house, got him fired from his own job after he worked there god knows how many years, and last time I asked him if he alright because I know she had a kid and he would probably have to end up paying child support, dude gave that facial expression like his life was over and said he didn’t even want to talk about it.

I don’t want to be the guy that says, it’s your fault, but women don’t just come up with all this bs on their own. Other men enable them to act this way and get away with all the stuff they get away with. Men need to learn to educate themselves, learn about risks and consequences.

If you don’t mind, you can post your experience in the relationship thread to give other dudes a heads up. Like where/when did things start to go wrong, what clues were there, what else do guys need to know?

Yeah that’s bullshit ain’t nobody in the world keeping me from seeing the birth of my damn kids.

And if that’s the case, I’m calling the A team of lawyers to get me custody of the child that is still a fetus. And suing the mother of my child if she miscarries.

NO! That’s what gets us INTO these situations!! …Oh, you meant figuratively.

I shall continue to have sex with women.

I wish their was an equivalent of the pill for guys.

I agree this is bullshit under certain circumstances but generally people are imature about sexual relationships. So blame the majority

You know who really suffers?
The children.

Taking the father and all of his child birthing experience out the procedure is just a recipe for disaster.
You seriously think leaving child birth to a woman, a nurse and a doctor is going to end well?
God help you if its a woman doctor.

I suppose you can see it that way! It’s not like I’d disagree that guys can get pretty fucked by paternity law

No. That’s how things like this get started in the first place.

Pre-EDIT: lol. @Rhio2K beat me to it.


What? How dare they deny me the right to challenge my wife to an arm wrestling match when she’s at maximum strength!

…Man, I think it should be added to the Sex-Ed curriculum how much potential BS with the law you’ll have to put up with for using your dick. Yeah, that’ll promote a little more abstinence. :confused:

Society as a whole is becoming more feminized so males are getting the short end of the stick in a lot of places. This shouldn’t be any surprise.

If I told you guys what our endgame was you’d castrate yourselves and save us the trouble.

Then go for it. Explain this “endgame”.

So then… legally, what’s the difference between guardianship and custody?

Because I remember at my school the custodian was never allowed to take the children home with him.

Well, if you think about it, the whole hunter-gatherer system is outdated. It’s not like women really need men to protect them from the wild anymore, and the aggressive fighting instinct is something people try to avoid these days. In a lot of ways, the traditional concept of masculinity is kind of outdated given where society is at these days.

“Are they trying to make it look like there is a war on the men who want to be there for their children?”

Sits back smugly

Ah, the joys of vindication.

EDIT: Btw Match doesn’t have any endgame so don’t worry there, though a cursory reading of the SCUM Manifesto would be a good idea for anyone interested in the deep end of radical feminism.

Meh feminist have been trying for that endgame since the 2nd wave…it’s old news they need some new ideas.