and getting an EVO seed (how does that work??)
i suspect john choi and alex valle don’t even practice HDR anymore but they are still very good
kudos for facing valle twice and beating him in the losers.
and getting an EVO seed (how does that work??)
i suspect john choi and alex valle don’t even practice HDR anymore but they are still very good
kudos for facing valle twice and beating him in the losers.
Congratulations. DGV is good enough to give them a run for their money, anyway. He has said in GGPO that he jumped a bit too much with no reason last time against Valle, which we all know what it means against a shoto. I had watched the matches again and it did look like he was right, and he has certainly corrected the issue. When he is on his toes, he is very hard to beat, no matter what.
How about congrats to John Choi for taking 1st? Much respect to DGV too, as well as all top 8 finishers. Where Afrolegends at with his lethal Boxer to take these shotos out? LOL Matter of fact, where all the good Claw and Dhalsim players at? It was nice to see Sagat in a top 8 match though.
I would if I even knew he actually took first place. A fast Google search got me this. So, well, congratulations Choi, DGV, Valle and others. I’m looking forward to seeing the action.
Seriously, where are all the damn Vega players?! Shari - you and I need to buckle down and get serious, lol!
Well i think Ganelon placed in Xanadu other than that it’s Me and Tokido so far.
Yes, DGV has mad skills and deserves props. Congrats to John (I don’t really have to even play this game anymore) Choi for taking first. But I’d like to take a moment and congradulate the Creator, who was gracious enough to once again demonstrate the power of the underappreciated Fei Long and Cammy…
EDIT: You know what then… never mind. I was all excited about having Cammy but whatever… just go smash my dreams David Sirlin… smash my dreams… lol
Just wanted to clarify that Sirlin only used Fei Long the entire tournament, except in games 2 and 3 against buktooth in top 8 where he used Vega. The Eventhubs list that says “David Sirlin (Fei Long, Cammy, Vega, M. Bison)” was probably just taken from the Evo 2009 results.
Watching the top 8, I was most impressed of all by John Choi. DGV is of course insanely good, and very consistent with his use of super, but what struck me the most in Choi’s play was his ability to apparently switch playing styles on the fly.
Against DGV in particular, he started with a very aggressive, fearless style where he would not hesitate for a split second to lockdown DGV with fireballs, then when I was getting used to his style (or so I thought!), he suddenly switched to a much more patient, reactive style and started countering DGV’s every attempt to get in. When I started to expect more of that, he switched back yet again to the relentless, fearless style. Then later he started sneaking in a lot of surprise throws.
Every time I thought I understood his play, he switched it up, and I could never really predict what was coming next. And somehow he could play 100% well in each “style”. And that’s just from watching the stream! If I was actually playing, I would have been really mentally frustrated in trying to keep up with him.
Let’s be real thelo, you don’t respond to your opponent, you just hold down back and hope for the best
To answer the question of the Evo seed, that means that you will not be in a pool with other players that are seeded as well, or if there are more seeded players than pools there will be as few as possible in each pool and they will be on opposite ends of the brackets.
Congrats to everyone who placed top 8! It was a really fun tournament and I’m glad they showcased HDR on the stream in between SF4 teams and SF4 singles. Long live SF2!
Yeah, props to the West Coast in general for keeping the HDR hype alive. Now we just need to spread the gospel.
Its nice to see the low tier characters in a tournament but sort of dislike the fact the Sirlin seems to be playing Fei Long just to prove a point… he could’ve came out on top imo if he played characters he used in ST during the whole tournament…
I do not think so, he is very good, but when it comes to Choi, Valle (and a few others like AfroCole or Afrolegends) he was a tid bit behind. He could get higher, but the odds of winning the whole thing, no, I don’t think so. Finally, IMHO Fei is a very fun character to play. Anyway, did the EVO “Fei Loooooooooooooog!!!” hype freak show up this time? That guy is a hero!
Choi and Valle plays ST and HDR like every week, they just dont play online.
Well I know doesnt practice for sure, Alberts Keystone II(San Jose, CA) been there many times where he plays wont put on HDR since there aren’t enough people interested in it plus Albert doesnt like it. If you ask him to play you at HDR he will say no but if its CVS2 or SSF4 he will say yes for sure especially if its a money match.