Let us list quotes for the beginner and pro alike to aid them in their journey. I suppose you can continually edit your post if you would like to add more quotes to your list or you can just post again to add another in an individual post if u like. Feel free to discuss any quotes for any reason. I’m kinda lazy but if there’s some I really like or if I get enough requests from ppl in the thread then I’ll add it to my post on the first page when I get the chance. Others who have posted within the first page may also consider adding people’s quotes to their own since the first page is most likely to be viewed. Just remember to give credit where credit is due so organize your post into sections of user names and list the quotes under them. Your quotes can be any style (Straight foward, cryptic, etc.) So… let’s begin.
- Pro who consider scrub scrub lose to pro who play like scrub
- Character with crappy special move of few uses provide that character with an extra few uses
- It’s only random if it doesn’t work; if it does, it’s a read.
Losers mentality: “ALL YOU DO IS THROW”
Winners mentality: “I GET THROWN A LOT”
- Profound sadness!