Complete Rock Thread

Not against Sagat. Plus it cleanly beats out his and Blanka’s cr. fp’s. I think its very underused. Experiment with it. Its a good move to whiff and charge meter while dashing around to position yourself. Use it in a poking war against Sagat and you’ll start to see how this punch is extremely effective. After all, if Sagat is poking, what’re you gonna do? Rebukken? Counter on reaction? Jump? Roll? No,… its either cr. RH or mixup game or this. Try it out when your messing around next time against Sagat. If you want to do some easy guard damage in close and your worried that your lp Hard Edge is not distanced properly and you’ll leave yourself open after a cr. mk, lp Hard Edge try this simple poking string in close: cr. lkX3, st. mp. It will link. I may be overstating its usefulness but that may only be because I fight a Sagat every 2 out of 3 matches. I’m sure you guys do too.

First off, it links everytime, it comboes everytime the st. mp connects too. Tested time and again on X-Box. It looks extremely deceptive and when they block the st. mp up close, the cr. mk shoots out relatively fast and will catch some people who try to retaliate after blocking your st. mp. Also, the close standing mp which resembles an elbow has very few startup frames, so yeah, you can pull it off after a dash crossup as easily as you could a cr. mk. Again, test it out on Sagat.

All true. However, most people don’t roll through it unless they expect it. Not much rolling at all in the arcades. But yeah, mp is much better.

I’m not sure what your smoking buddy. After a jumpng RH, this will hit everyone from Sagat to Athena. Again, test it if you have CVS2 at home. I know because I use Rock in Survival for practice and use this a lot against everyone from Beni, to Gief to Yuri. You may be missing the timing which isn’t very tight, its not like you have to buffer or anything to get this 3 hit combo goin.

You have to be very quick on the lp Hard Edge off the st. RH for this to work. Use mp Hard Edge instead. Much less room for error since it moves you farther ahead.

I don’t usually trip them for my anti-air CC. I try to glue them down with cr. mk when they land: Activate CC and cr. mk, cr. fpX7, cr. RH, st. RH, qcb+mp, st. RH, qcb+mp, fp Rising Tackle, lp Rising Tackle, Raging Storm. Trust me, the cr. fp’s will combo off the cr. mk. You can also use this to blow through pokers or nail rollers. This is one of the most damaging ones other than the ones off a 360 throw.

I’m taking a wild guess and thinkin you’re playing on X-Box. On X-Box, the P groove has special cancels. In other words, you can cancel any special move into a Super. It’s not EO, its something Capcom added in to make P-groove more competitive. To be honest, its realllly cheap. Every time you connect a Rekka with Iori, you can cancel the last hit into his Maiden Masher. Every time you connect a lp. dp with Ryu, you can cancel into a ShinHadouken. Everytime you connect a fp Hard Edge, you can cancel into any of Rock’s Supers. The Special doesn’t even have to hit… the guy could’ve blocked your special move and you can shoot out a Super without worrying about recovery frames off your blocked move. One of my bro’s favorite P-Rock mixups was a blatant close range fp Hard Edge. The guy blocks both hits, and then tries to punish sicne everyone knows a blocked fp Hard Edge has horrible recovery time. But with P-Rock, you can bust out a Raising Storm at any time without waiting for your recovery, so whoever tries to punish will get tagged by the full Raising Storm. Gets people on X-Box Live all the time. Doesn’t work in the arcade though and neither does your combo.

The instance I replied to was in reference of a combo you posted, close stand strong–> low forward, not stand strong as a poke. Stand strong whiffs vs most characters, In wake up situations someone is always going to be crouching. If it only works against a certain portion of of the cast, please mention such next time.

Im not trying to sound rude but, stand strong–> low forward DOES NOT LINK. Unless you have counter hit on in training mode, or your doing the move early on wake up, this deosnt normally link. Not only have I personally tried it, but I have the frame data sitting in front of me. Standing jab and low strong link(vs large crouching characters) after standing close strong, but not low forward.

Again, this was in referance to the earlier combo you posted above, close stand close strong, low forward. From that range, jab hard edge deosnt combo vs most characters.

Just something to think about since most people didn’t mention it… his command grab can be RCed in C and A groove. I don’t play C groove Rock much, but A groove Rock intrigues me. I think in CCs with cr FPs blocked, its always good to RC his command throw since some people may be mashing on jab to stop the resets, this way you go right through. Also with K groove, if you aren’t going to hit with your super, and its about to run out, cr MK into deadly rave with a slow ass timing to all the hits will make they block it all, and don’t do the fb motion ending unless you know you will GB them, after that, you can do some different mixups… but the super takes a chunk of their guard bar, Although they can AC it.

no reason to rc 360 throw… it’s good enough without it and you don’t get any real benefits considering what could happen if you fuck up…oh, and if you do cr. fp and cancel that into 360, it’s going to whiff anyways so theres no point in rc’ing it… if you want to be dirty, then rc a high crack counter from point blank and then do the 360

Hrmm… I will test it out. I do use the close st. mp seldomly and not as often as you might think (the way I’m talking about it and defending it), but nobody seems to use it and I find it useful in certain situations to keep Rock a little more diversified. I’ve seen many Rock’s just do jumping RH’s, cr. mk > lp/mp Hard Edge and cr. rh’s and do nothing else in the damn match. That kind of Rock is much too predictable.

Having said that, I do use close st. mp a lot against computer in Survival and it could be that I am counter-hitting every close st. mp I get since the computer would be stupid enough to be counter-hit everytime. However, please do not confuse the st. mp > cr. mk as a link. Remember, its close st. mp > cr. mk that I’ve espoused as a link and a 2-hit combo. But who knows, I’ll go to training mode and see whether I can confirm or reject this.

BTW, you don’t sound rude at all. You’re the most polite critic on these forums.

I’ve confirmed it. You were right, st. mp > cr. mk only comboes when the st. mp is a counter-hit. Good call.

BTW, anyone got any good C-Groove Cancels with Rock? Other than a point-blank Lvl 2 Raising Storm into fp. Rising Tackle, I can’t find much else that’s practical. I also have a hella hard time cancelling his Screaming Eagle (qcf X2+k) Super. Unless I’m in the corner and the guy has bounced up can I cancel it. But midscreen and I can’t cancel anything…

I would mainly like special move cancels as the Lvl 2 Raising Storm > Lvl 1 Raising Storm/ Lvl 1 Screaming Eagle are obvious standouts. Are there any good cancels akin to Chun-Li’s or Akuma’s???

360 throw, laser blast, stand hk, qcfX2+mp, qcf+k, stand hk, qcfX2+p


You’re a genius. I never would have thought to cancel the Lvl 2 into a quick recovery whiff like his lk counter. Now I have something to play around with. Thx!

BTW, You sound like you’re cancelling the Laser Blast and tapping PPP so that you’re free to do the st. RH when he’s bouncing in the air. That’s the move I always use also other than a Lvl 1 Raising Storm. But I never thought to do a Lvl 2 Raising Storm after the st. RH,… I didn’t think it would connect,… although now I think of it, your opponent will bounce up high in the air and supers are unblockable in the air…

Also, you can cancel a Raising Storm off a cr.RH, right? So why not make a variation of your combo:

360 throw, Full Laser Blast (must hit as early as possible so your cr. RH will connect), cr. RH > Lvl 2 Raising Storm, qcf+lk, st. RH, Lvl 1 Raising Storm

I guess it would be hella hard to do, but I can’t think of any time when a cr. RH > Raising Storm would be more practical, since you know you’re gonna hit the cr. RH off the Laser Blast.

No you dun cancle the laser blast it still hits.

Its acctualy a pretty old combo nigh 2 years or so now. It was in my combo video way back when as well.

Oh… I gotta try that out… I didn’t even think that could work…

Question to all the Rock and system experts… what’s the fastest you can cancel the Rage Run Shift into 360 throw???

Also… anyone have any tips to doing the 360 motion? I kinda do the qcb+rh and keep following that motion and mashing on punch… and I have differing levels of success than my bro who just does the 360 motion after shifting and pressing punch once.

i do qcb.rh then roll across the punches when i get to down through back…never miss

theres a slight mandatory pause after shift about the same rhythm as linking c.jab into c.forward

:confused: what? I would think It would be really messed up to RC Rocks 360…:slight_smile: But I see where your comming from… Rocks moves seem way too sensitive. Its really easy to mess up at least for me…:confused: But any RCed command thow in CVS 2 is really dam Powerful… It might bring Rock up a level.

What do you guys think about S-Groove Rock?

I tried this mess around team a while back…

S Akuma/Kyosuke/R2 Rock

Needless to say it sucked. If you like the run and small jump,… K and N are so much better because you get rage and JD and break stock into Lvl 3 Super is reeeaallllly good. I never had time to charge with Rock and his lvl 1 supers suck.

Dodge in S-Groove is much too tempting not to abuse at first and you’ll learn painfully that dodging often keeps you very stationary unless you’re truly doing it to counter someone else’s attack with your linkable Dodge attack. When you don’t, dodge keeps you locked down too long and will make your Rock into a crapukken, jumpkicking whore who can’t handle the rushdown without a dp. I started losing badly… which I hated.

First of all, in case you didn’t know, charging should be used to bait and break turtles, not just to gain meter. For meter, it builds much the same way as K anyway, albeit at a much slower (but more reasonable) pace, and also during your guard. Second, doding is not as useless as you make it sound. You can cancel a dodge into an attack or another dodge almost instantly, or just throw/command grab after a full dodge for punishing at a more variable approach. Plus, both of Rock’s dodge attacks are very good; punch for mid-range (and closer) knockdown, and kick for a mid-range counter XX fireball/Hard Edge/Rage Run/super (Lv.1 OR 3, doesn’t matter). And like any character with that much going for him, dodge attacks add more to his mixups. That’s the whole point behind dodging, besides just evading crap. If you know when to charge and dodge at the most appropriate times, as well as when NOT to, Rock can still be as offensive running and low-jumping with S as he can with K and N, if not more. Both of those features simply add more options for rushing in or baiting. It’s well worth a second or less of not moving, and I’m sure everyone has the patience for it. And for the record, Rock’s Lv.1 supers are no less crappy than his Lv.3s. I just don’t see the reasoning behind that; his Shine Knuckle might work best from far away, but it also depends on whether or not they’re anticipating it. His Lv.1 Raging Storm is still good to keep people from advancing or jumping in… that’s not even up for argument.

Simply put, if you can’t take advantage of Lv.1s and you don’t like to dodge, then it’s obvious you don’t try with S-Groove to begin with. It’s not quick or easy getting accustomed to, sure, but you don’t just get good with it over night, either. Fact is, it hardly appears to be anyone’s style, and that’s why there are few that care about it.

Why do people say Rock’s lp/mp rising tackle suck? I was using them both in training to wake-up on Bison’s meaty slide and meaty from kyo. Seems like good wake-up to me.

Against ground attack, it’s pretty good as a wake-up. If they jump in and try to hit you and you wake-up with Rising Tackle, there’s a good chance that you’ll get hit out of it.

I know his hp rising tackle is great anti-air.

don’t listen to this guy… no reason to use rising tackle if you aren’t doing an a-groove combo or c-groove corner cancel…

if you can roll cancel 360’s, i found it’s actually a pretty good wake up move… but you’d be better off just blocking, all you’re going to take is like, 40 percent guard tops, usually 20 percent and you’re back in the game.

fireball is good against cammy

other random stuff… hmmmm

s-groove, his dodge kick move sucks cause it hits high and most characters can duck it.

lvl 1 supers however, are no good, they don’t really take off much and are hard to use as anti-air…

best lvl 1 super usage is when you have the opportunity to punish a poke, use c. rh xx lvl 1 shine knuckle or lvl 1 raging storm

as an anti-air, you have to know that they are going to jump to use lvl 1 raging storm and lets face it, against good players you aren’t going to know when to stop that, the thing has no invincibility so it doesn’t work for wakeup…

so lets recap what have we learned today kids?

  1. don’t do wakeups… exception if you KNOW it will hit (example, you are getting up and they jump straight up and are not in k or p groove, then do lvl 2 raging storm)

  2. throw reppukens at cammy

  3. s-groove is booty

  4. don’t use rising tackle

i believe that is all