Not against Sagat. Plus it cleanly beats out his and Blanka’s cr. fp’s. I think its very underused. Experiment with it. Its a good move to whiff and charge meter while dashing around to position yourself. Use it in a poking war against Sagat and you’ll start to see how this punch is extremely effective. After all, if Sagat is poking, what’re you gonna do? Rebukken? Counter on reaction? Jump? Roll? No,… its either cr. RH or mixup game or this. Try it out when your messing around next time against Sagat. If you want to do some easy guard damage in close and your worried that your lp Hard Edge is not distanced properly and you’ll leave yourself open after a cr. mk, lp Hard Edge try this simple poking string in close: cr. lkX3, st. mp. It will link. I may be overstating its usefulness but that may only be because I fight a Sagat every 2 out of 3 matches. I’m sure you guys do too.
First off, it links everytime, it comboes everytime the st. mp connects too. Tested time and again on X-Box. It looks extremely deceptive and when they block the st. mp up close, the cr. mk shoots out relatively fast and will catch some people who try to retaliate after blocking your st. mp. Also, the close standing mp which resembles an elbow has very few startup frames, so yeah, you can pull it off after a dash crossup as easily as you could a cr. mk. Again, test it out on Sagat.
All true. However, most people don’t roll through it unless they expect it. Not much rolling at all in the arcades. But yeah, mp is much better.
I’m not sure what your smoking buddy. After a jumpng RH, this will hit everyone from Sagat to Athena. Again, test it if you have CVS2 at home. I know because I use Rock in Survival for practice and use this a lot against everyone from Beni, to Gief to Yuri. You may be missing the timing which isn’t very tight, its not like you have to buffer or anything to get this 3 hit combo goin.
You have to be very quick on the lp Hard Edge off the st. RH for this to work. Use mp Hard Edge instead. Much less room for error since it moves you farther ahead.
I don’t usually trip them for my anti-air CC. I try to glue them down with cr. mk when they land: Activate CC and cr. mk, cr. fpX7, cr. RH, st. RH, qcb+mp, st. RH, qcb+mp, fp Rising Tackle, lp Rising Tackle, Raging Storm. Trust me, the cr. fp’s will combo off the cr. mk. You can also use this to blow through pokers or nail rollers. This is one of the most damaging ones other than the ones off a 360 throw.
I’m taking a wild guess and thinkin you’re playing on X-Box. On X-Box, the P groove has special cancels. In other words, you can cancel any special move into a Super. It’s not EO, its something Capcom added in to make P-groove more competitive. To be honest, its realllly cheap. Every time you connect a Rekka with Iori, you can cancel the last hit into his Maiden Masher. Every time you connect a lp. dp with Ryu, you can cancel into a ShinHadouken. Everytime you connect a fp Hard Edge, you can cancel into any of Rock’s Supers. The Special doesn’t even have to hit… the guy could’ve blocked your special move and you can shoot out a Super without worrying about recovery frames off your blocked move. One of my bro’s favorite P-Rock mixups was a blatant close range fp Hard Edge. The guy blocks both hits, and then tries to punish sicne everyone knows a blocked fp Hard Edge has horrible recovery time. But with P-Rock, you can bust out a Raising Storm at any time without waiting for your recovery, so whoever tries to punish will get tagged by the full Raising Storm. Gets people on X-Box Live all the time. Doesn’t work in the arcade though and neither does your combo.