Complaints against the god tier

i’m not quite sure i understand why…ok maybe i do but still why do people complain about MSP, MST, MSS and teams like that? IMO they’re just scrubs and can’t beat them

i took a couple comments off youtube.

“Wow ********* you are a *** posting these garbage videos.No one gives two shits about some MvC2 god tier using? player on xbl.This is the exact reason this game is garbage 2 attacks and spam assist fuckin boring…”

“I don’t see how using characters that are clearly better than the? rest of the roster and using them the exact same way everyone else does is concidered skill.”

come on it takes quite a bit of skill to control the god tiers. not anyone can just walk up and own with MSP etc etc etc. and spamming? there are ways to get around it.

if i may take a quote from someone. “marvel was made to hurt peoples feelings” its prolly not exact but o well you get my point

Hater’s gonna hate, scrubs are always going to be scrubs.

Please I hate the fuck outta top tier/god tier…BUT I have constructed a team to deal with these bitches, and pretty much they only ones who can bang with me IS top tier/god tier, so BRING EM ON!!! I applaud them now cause without them I wouldn’t shine as much!! If anybody wanna test the waters with their top tier/god tier BRING IT!!!

VDO: My Cammy, Spiral and Gambit shall take you on one day :slight_smile:

Hey they aren’t top tier/god tier! Anyways I welcome the challenge big man.

I know VDO. But, my low/mid tier will be the next big thing :wink: