Comparing Rogue Storm and Magneto

I started this thread to discuss the cons and pros Rogue has got as compared to Storm and Magnus. The reason I am using only Magnus and storm is because they are considered the best rush down in the game. I have taken a bunch of categories and rated how I feel Rogue, Magnus, and Storm fall into them. I have them best on top and worst on bottom.


  1. MAGNUS: (best) death combos/ DHC/infinites.
  2. STORM: (great) death combos/dhc.
  3. ROGUE: (very good) Got some damaging shit but storm and magnus are stronger in thsi category.


  1. MAGNUS: (best)
  2. STORM: (almost best)
  3. ROGUE (great) Rogue resets are easier to block then magnus IMO.

1)(Best) MAGNUS: Both his hp and hk throw have alot of priority and will lead to death combos/ DHC/infinites.
2)(very good) ROGUE: Only hp throw. Good damage on throw and has better priority then storm and magneto throws. Unfortunately the opponent can roll after the throw. But you can call an assist on the way down which is a help.
3) (very good) STORM: High prority on Hp throw, builds meter, and is quick as hell. It also puts the opponent in a good position.

Overall the main advantage of Rogues throw over storm and magnus is it’s priority.

1)(Best) MAGNUS: Can tri-jump using any normal. Great to build meter also. Quickest tri jump. Best cross up potential.
2)(Very good) STORM: Can tri-jump using any normal. Great to build meter also. Great cross up potential.
3) (very good) ROGUE: Can only use dive kick. Can’t dash under then tri jump. Slightly slower then magnus or storm. Great cross up potential. Confusing.

Overall Rogue falls slightly short in this category.


  1. (Great) ROGUE: Rogue has better defense then normal.
  2. (ok) STORM: Not so hot.
  3. (Crap) MAGNUS: Shitty defense.

Overall I feel this is Rogue’s biggest advantage over storm and magnus. Really over any rush down char.


  1. Storm: (very good) Typoon goes through it all. Lighting balls cover too. Lighting attack is a good special too.
  2. MAGNUS: (good) Hyper grab is dangerous but can be helpfull and his beam is good.
  3. ROGUE: (non-existant) She’s got no projectiles. That’s why she is pure rush.

Rogues lack of projectiles make her a little 2d but her rush makes up for it.


  1. STORM: (best) Some of the best 2 supers in the game.
  2. MAGNUS: (Great) 2 very good supers for dhc etc.
  3. ROGUE: (good) Rush super is kinda useless adn GNS is great for DHC. But unless you can catch opponents lag or go through a super (like HSF) it’s got to be comboed into.

Overall this is another lacking category of Rogues. The only thing that makes GNS up there is it’s DHC’s.


  1. MAGNUS: (best) One frame= death.
  2. STORM: (great)
  3. ROGUE: It’s slow. IMO this is her biggest flaw in her rushdown.


  1. ROGUE: (best) J. FP, j. FK = priority.
  2. MAGNUS: (great) Also lots of priority but Rogue got more.
  3. STORM: (great) Also lots of priority but Rogue got more.


  1. STORM: (best) c. hk got range/ quickness/priority.
  2. MAGNUS: (great) c. hp= priority. It’s quick too.
  3. ROGUE: (good) Rogue also lacks in this category. hk is good but not fast enough adn don’t have as much priority.


  1. MAGNUS: (best) comboability.
  2. STORM: (very good) All 3 assists can be used. Good for just about anything. Thypoon goes through all.
  3. ROGUE: (average) Both the aaa and kiss serve their purposes but neither is all that great.


  1. MAGNUS: (best) Death.
  2. STORM: (great) Besides the one on sent most are not so realistic.
  3. ROGUE: (above average) Besides the one on magnus most are not so realistic.


  1. MAGNUS: (best)
    2)STORM: (great)
    3)ROGUE: (very good) Slower then magnus or storm and only oen direction.


  1. MAGNUS: (very good) Quick and very combo friendly.
  2. STORM: (very good) comboable and quick.
  3. ROGUE: (good) Not as quick.


  1. STORM: (best)
  2. MAGNUS: (great)
  3. ROGUE: (very good) Thanks to j.fp, she can runaway. But once again she is meant to rush.


  1. STORM: (Best) Typhoon, hailstorm very abusable.
  2. ROGUE: (Average) c.Mp chips but that’s not such a big deal. Her repeating punches all do chip but LAGGG.
  3. Magnus: (Below Average) His beam and supers can be risky and do baby chip. That’s why he is used for rush down :slight_smile:

As you can see Rogue falls short in most categories but not by much. Also Rogue has one HUGE advantage over storm/magnus. Her kiss.

Infinites are now easy to do and normals are faster but Magnus still got a quicker

ROGUE with DEFENSE UP: Best defense in game!!

ROGUE with POWER UP: Magnus and strom will still put out more damage.

ROGUE with SUPER ARMOR: Magnetos wont mean so much anymore.


I have to mention some stuff. First of all I have mention that you can call an assist after doing her throw which is good against rollers if the assist starts at the end of the screen.

Secondly Rogue pound for pound has higher damaging normals but weaker comboability. Her AC does 67 damage.

Yes you can call an assist with that throw but I don’t think it makes it that much better.
Yes her normals are stronger but when it comes to combos she can’t put out the same damage as mags and storm.

Wow, you made a real thread. Fuck Rogue and fuck her annoying ass throw priority. :tup:

It’s nice for a change.

On another note I’m going to edit the post a little bit.

Second is this theory Speed Up combo I created while daydreaming about Storm getting owned.:razzy:

With Rogue/Sent/Capcom: Speed up inf till near corner and then call Sent G, as soon as it’s about to hit quickly do S.MK which causes the teleport glitch now facing the corner into S.LK, S.MK, Power Drain (throws into corner) Reset!!! normal jump J.LK, J.MP, (call Sent G) J.HP xx Power Drain, (throws into drones), C.FP, majic series into Power Drain (throw back into corner) into C.HK (Call Capcom AA) xx GNS. If this works it will be my crowning achievement.:cool:

Can someone check if it’s possible, thx.:smile:

This is all true but thats why the game is base on assist characters. To me magneto really isn’t that good the only reason magneto is like he is, is because of psylocke. I mean he’s good and everything and can beat the shit out of sentinell really easy. but storm is by far the best. but then again one kiss by rogue from storm and she is the best in that match.
Well I guess my point is it is hard to really say beacause depending on the assists rogue can go from last to 1st.
OMG if rogue would have gotten speedup from magneto…well she would be the perfect counter for magneto…uhhhhhhhhhhh. maybe in MVC3

Rogue hurts magnus (:

[quote=Golba loves]



  1. ROGUE: (good) Rush super is kinda useless adn GNS is great for DHC. But unless you can catch opponents lag or go through a super (like HSF) it’s got to be comboed into.

Overall this is another lacking category of Rogues. The only thing that makes GNS up there is it’s DHC’s.


  1. MAGNUS: (very good) Quick and very combo friendly.
  2. STORM: (very good) comboable and quick.
  3. ROGUE: (good) Not as quick.


I’d say the throw, while good priority, sometimes hinders Rogue in matches. Rogue needs to be up close to do damage, which is fine if you’re fighting Mags cause he’s gonna be right on you again. But if Sent gets aways he can just fly back and stomp and call assists. It’s hard to catch up with that sometimes.

You already nailed GNS as a super pretty much, but her rushing punches super does great damage, instant startup, and doesn’t cause a roll. The damage output alone is surprising as hell and if you have power up the opponent is going to be in for some serious hurting.

Aren’t all snapouts in the game 1 frame? I didn’t think speed mattered that much. Rogue’s is okay though since it OTG’s. That surprises people sometimes and gets thier weak assist in for a pounding.

Overall a pretty comprehensive list though.


Yea that throw can also hinder rush down on sent… this is true. Thats where her j. hk comes in.
As for the punch super… unless your looking for the kill it makes rush down harder… but so does GNS… Well thats why I love Rogue/Commando air combos :clap:

Not all snap-outs are 1 frame. Few are.