Comics you're reading

Reading Berserk, Preacher, Hitman, The Boys and Watchmen over and over and over again, gives me endless joy and makes me happy that I don’t read trash like the X-Men anymore.

not reading any american comics on any consistent basis i follow a youtube channel that covers marvel and dc so i stay up on all the stuff. the only thing ive collected in the past year has been miles morales 616 universe trade, gwen stacys first trade as well as a few saga trades. i really like saga. ive picked up a few random stuff like snotgirl,some random dc stuff and one of the flashes trade for art research. Alot of times my random choices are because i just like an artists work and wann study it.

comic thread back in gd? good news to an otherwise miserable day.

hickman is jesus if jesus actually busted off the cross, totally ripped like he was kenshiro but as big as raoh.

Main ones I’m reading are
Southern Bastards

Action Comics
Dark Knight 3(ugh, might as well finish)
Red Hood & The Outlaws
All Star Batman

Moon Knight
Unworthy Thor
Infamous Iron Man
X-Men Legacy(Legion run)
Old Man Logan


Just re read some of the Valiant reboot trades I had, Quantum & Woody is fucking hilarious. Only mediocre book outta that relaunch was Shadowman imo.

Need to get caught up on TMNT.

Talking about Berserk:
Haven’t read a lot of shit that got me as emotionally involved as the King’s Egg storyline, since reading Preacher and Hitman.
Goddamn that book is amazing.

I’m liking Low, wish there was more of it.
Wish Warren Ellis was tied to his desk with unlimited hookers and crack so he could just keep writing. Enjoying Trees and Injection, but fear they’ll go the way of newuniverse or the phenomenal Fell. Also Ellis’ Moon Knight run was tight.
Squirrel Girl surprisingly fun/good. It’s weird that Ryan North has done so much interesting stuff - I never really got Dinosaur Comics.
I’m sad Chew is over - kind of a weird way to finish up, but … glad the author got to have fun.
Letter 44 was good for a long while, but it feels like it’s just treading water now. :sad:

Also read the book Superfolks by Robert Mayer for the first time as I’d heard it referenced as an inspiration for a bunch of stuff (for example, The Incredibles). It’s pretty mediocre, but you can see a lot of the same concepts there that pop up elsewhere later.

  • I like Deadly Class for the reason you listed plus Marcus as a character is fascinating to me. In general the characters and archetypes in Deadly Class is really well written. Vol 4’s ending definitely left me wondering where the story will go from there. *
  • Silver Surfer comic is fucking hilarious. I stopped after issue #3 because of my comics budget but it’s a damn good read. It would make a great cartoon series. I could see it being a series like old school Teen Titans, funny, snappy writing and a cool art style. *

Didn’t know this was a thread, neat.

I’m only really reading Marvel right now but:

All-New Wolverine
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money
Unworthy Thor

Finished the Howling Commandos of SHIELD a few days ago, was a really decent book with fun characters, a shame it got canned.

Especially since this type of shit isn’t new.

I guess they forgot about all of the classic X-Men’s cheesy “being racist is bad, everyone is great in their own way, we might be different but deep down we’re all the same” agenda that was pretty much the core of that entire franchise for the longest. And the plethora of anti-drug messages and the like. As long as there is a popular agenda, good or bad, it’ll make it’s way into the books.

Also all of the girl power shit that’s been around for ages before now, including female versions of existing characters, is not new in the slightest.

Garth Ennis and Kentaro Miura, my man.

I can relate to Nova in this page

That panel reminds of everything I like and hate about Champions

Right now I’m reading Sonic the Hedgehog, The Flash, and Darkwing Duck when it comes to comics.

As far as trades gp, I’m about half way done with The Flash Book One from Mark Waid’s Run. Born to Run was a great, deeper origin story for Wally West and I really like the character of John Fox, the fourth, far future Flash. Glad to hear he’ll come back in later volumes. There really hasn’t been a story in this trade I haven’t liked. If anything, this is just cementing, Wally West as the preferred version of the Flash for me.

The Flash The Silver Age Vol. 1 has been a really fun read for me. Light hearted fun. Once I finish this one up, I’ll probably jump into Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?

Currently Reading:


Spider-Man Renew Your Vows
X-Men '92
Spider-Man / Deadpool


Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin
Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt
GTO Lost Paradise
Monster Hunter Flash Hunter

The other things I read are Marvel prose books, mostly words with few pictures. Because I’m a Marvel guy and I’m not really happy with the direction most of 616 Marvel is going. So I basically read stuff that takes place in and around 1980 - 2000. A happier time for me. So stuff I’ve read -

Spider-Man The Darkest Hour - This is a great one and done by Jim Butcher of the Dresden Flies.

Spider-Man The Sinister Six Trilogy - If you ever wanted to know who that mysterious old man was in those Andrew Garfield movies well he came from this series. An excellent read and the fun thing about it is that since it’s a prose book and no one is looking, the author stuck a bunch of characters in there if you pay close attention. Joker, Ra’s Al Ghul, Jerry Seinfeld, Stan Lee and even the gang from Scooby Doo ha ha! Good fun!

Spider-Man X-Men Time Arrow Trilogy - Reading this now and up to the third book. The first book is okay, the second book is great (The second book is done by the same author of the Sinister Six trilogy. He snuck Godzilla in their ROFL) and the third book is dragging. I guess this is the problem with having each book done by a different writer. But hey at least Spider-Man is still married and the X-Men still matter. Hopefully the third book will finish strong.

Pictured: Jonathan Hickman

I guess since I’m here already, I’m reading the new teen titans: Who is Donna Troy? trade. Funny seeing how complicated both her pre and post crisis back stories are right next to each other.

Even though i’m not reading that series yet, I’m really glad that Viv didn’t end up being an isolated incident only to be used for one story and forgotten like most similar characters.

That Vision(s) run was absolutely great, and she had some great character development in it along with Papa Vision.

Started the Carnage run from last year, it’s actually pretty good for the most part.

April is looking really good. The X-Men will appear in The Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows in their 90s outfits, so you are getting 90s X-Men with a married Spider-Man at the same time! Eddie Brock Will FINALLY become Venom once again in April’s issue of Venom. Street Fighter vs. Darkstalkers also starts. HYPE!

That’s a real shame, I wanted to see the new guy actually get fleshed out as Venom.

I also liked that Eddie was using the Toxin symbiote(coincidentally featured in the Carnage book) as a more morally bankrupt Agent Venom type.

Can’t agree with their choice to slap it right back onto an old host, I thought the fun of the symbiote came from the fact that they can throw it on a new character ever few years or so and it has a new dynamic each time.

Just me personally but I agree with David Michellinie, one of his creators regarding Venom. It just isn’t Venom without Eddie Brock. It’s just another guy wearing his clothes. Marvel seems to understand this with Carnage. With Eddie and Venom, not so much.

I did like Anti-Venom. The problem with Eddie being Toxin is that the original Toxin was pretty good. But he got the shaft really quick.

I liked Flash as Agent Venom, but at the same time would just rather he was called something else or used one of the 100,000,000,000,000,000 other symbiotes out there.

I don’t want to see Eddie Brock back as Venom. I loved Flash run as Agent Venom and want to see more of it.

With Marvel right now there’s definitely a push to gain a lot of the older fan base that they have shunned lately. Because the well they drew from the new readers that came in from the movies is sort of drying up. DC went through the same exact thing this year with their Rebirth initiative. Giving older fans things they wanted.

Spider-Man Renew Your Vows is an obvious one with Spider-Man being married again. He’ll never be married again in Amazing Spider-Man so long as Joe Quesada is working for Marvel in any capacity because at this point it’s an ego thing for him. It’s also quite telling that their first villain is Mole Man who is a Fantastic Four villain. Marvel pretty much got away with doing away with the Fantastic Four solely to stick it to Fox. So here you have a comic with a family dynamic again.

Venom being with Eddie Brock is another one of those things. But the conspiracy theorist in me thinks that this is because Venom is probably going to be in Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite (he at least among the rumored characters) and he’ll only be Venom while the game is making the rounds. Eddie Brock and Gambit are the two 90s characters people working at Marvel hate the most. I don’t think they care much for Carnage either, but his minis sell. His ongoing did get canned so there’s that.

There’s other things like X-Men '92’s existence, and the big push X-Men are getting this year. A lot of that has to do with Marvel trying to push Inhumans in their comics as their replacement failing miserably. Once again solely to stick it to Fox.

Another big one is bringing Ben Reilly back. He’s not reeeeally back though. He’s a clone of, a clone… I’m not really a fan of Ben Reilly, but there are definitely people out there who wanted him back in some capacity. He’s getting a new ongoing by Peter David.

The move that strikes me as funny, not because it’s being done to attract new readers but it’s just kind of random. Miles Morales Spider-Man dating Spider-Gwen. Both books are now having declining sales and this looks like a way to generate interest. They’ll never get rid of Miles Morales, but pull whatever stunt they can to keep him around. Because he’s a Bendis character and it keeps the SJW crowd happy. His book is written really well by Bendis despite all of the politics though.

Miles Morales and Spider-Gwen will bond over comparing Peter Parker deaths. :stuck_out_tongue: