comeback videos

OUT still plays at least. Such a beast.

Both of them still play. Check the Danisen rankings and look for アフロ(Afro) and OUT.

I do remember seeing Afuro’s name, but I’ve been watching the Danisen’s, and I don’t remember seeing OUT play for at least a year now.

This thread should be renamed to good match videos instead.


focus up, people! :looney:

Tominaga vs Tokura, 10:00.

Roshihikari Vs Youhei

Uraken vs Yuki Otoko

(watch both remaining rounds of match for two sweet comebacks)

Yun (Yakkun) vs Rikimaru (Chun-Li)
check 14:49





slow and steady, made two great comebacks with remy in round 2 and 3.

No offense or anything, but the Dudley was a lot better than you and he pretty much decided to give you a mercy round in the 2nd round and he drastically was passive in the 3rd round, hardly a comeback is it? I think if he had played to his full extend like he did in the first round…

Where yo machine gun lovs at son, stop flashkicking, block more, alot more… too many cbks, cr. hp whiffs and it’s not a very good move beyond OCCASIONALLY anti-airing, stick more standing mps out for anti-airing, standing hp also works at a certain range…

Don’t push buttons in the corner against Dudley… dead ass serious… I tried to hit confirm into something while getting pressured with block string after hit confirm after block string… let’s just say I almost got R. Kelly’d…

Overall, just develop your gotdamn footsies more… I mean I’m not even good with Remy, but those holes in your game need work…

thanks for the input guys. was not my best game…however it was a ranked match, Dudley wasn’t being too nice, dude wanted to win. His parrying was sort of awesome so I was trying to mess up his parry timing, which I did…evidenced by a standing super. Add me on xbox dudes. billyalpha

First round should make you realize that if he really wanted to win, he would have punish you a dozen times in other rounds for all the flash kicks,, etc and not try to chip you with rose like 3 or 4 times…
If you think you did well, fine, but you did not.
Knowing why you win/lose is one of the keys to make fast progress.

Magu [ Sean ] vs Ochibi [ Yun ]


For you WhiteKong

Pierrot dispatches three good players, including a yun and a chun, but doesn’t do remy’s sweep once. Why? Because its not very safe and offline you will get punished. You see he only uses the Razor Kicks (flash kick) on combo or EX to counter pressure after he’s reset or knocked down. He uses Cold Blue Kicks a fair amount but only the short version and only at a safe distance so he doesn’t recover right next to the opponent. Just to be extra safe he back dashes often after he lands.

See how he zones with his LoV’s(sonic boom) using charge partitioning to get a high and low projectile on the screen at once for pressure? See how he gets in close and does ticks into kara throws? Even if charge partitioning is too intimidating you should really try to work remy’s kara throw into your game. Use to kara. In the corner it sets you up to combo off the neutral throw with a hk.razorkick.

Online, because its less reliable to parry and punish on reaction, you will get away with all sorts of shit using remy. Offline… you… will… die. Watch this vid up there and check out folks like Dagger_G, Everdred, Pierrot, Ryo_Chin, etc. If they aren’t throwing out certain moves all the time there is a good reason. Try to figure it out.

…and just so folks don’t get all upitty about this post being off thread topic here ya go, you bunch a’ animals.