Comcast/ X-Box Live Users

I have a question for you Comcast users with good connections to XBox Live.

What is the make and model of your cable modem?

I have a Motorola SB5120, and after much research, I’ve found it’s rated terribly for XBox Live. I was told I can go to Comcast to swap it for another, and I wanted to know some models I can request.

I use a Linksys Wireless-G Cable Gateway (WCG200). You can find it cheap on amazon. It is not perfect. Biggest issue is that it sometimes, randomly disconnects. Also, there are no firmware updates. I should have done more research on the gateway before buying it, but it works well with my xbox.

u want the motorola SB5101 the SB5120 has tons of slow down and packet loss problems

Word. I’m curious if they’ll supply me with it. I was hoping to get a good sampling of Comcast-provided modems so I’d have a few to choose from- if they offer me any others, that is.

dont get comcast to supply the modem. they rape u with a 2nd hand modem most of the time. if you are renting the one u have now cancel it and buy the SB5101 from newegg. if you arnt renting the SB5120 talk with motorola and they will switch out the SB5120 for a SB5101. u just have to say the right things like tons of packet loss and bla bla bla.

I currently have a SB5100. It was brand new out of the box from Comcast. Would there be a dramatic improvement if I picked up the 5101?

Problem solved!

I did go out and buy an SB5101, but Comcast wasn’t going to let me use it until I registered it with them. At this point, I wanted to kill someone in person so I went down there with my old Motorola. They swapped it for an RCA unit that works perfectly. Absolutely no lag on Live.

yeah u will feel a huge difference.

yeah i had to go with that recently it took me like half an hour. at least they got rid of all the rude ass people on their hotlines.

im glad u got this to work. :nunchuck:

hehe never sucks.

he was just talking about giving the mac address there is no point for you to bypass it. also the only way you can is if you hack comcasts stuff which would be caught quickly. or u work for comcast and enter it in yourself.

wicho what u are saying is illegal i would change that post =\

fixed. sorry about that i got carried away.