Combos Ken And ryu with a 360 pad, not a stick

This is my Second Video make Combos in 360 controller :D!!!

Comment plz :smiley:


I don’t know why anyone might care whether or not you used a pad or stick.
All of those combos where very basic, nothing I haven’t seen before.

That was very bad.

-Video quality is sub-par
-Music choice is horrible
-Video editing is stupidly simple (and wrong too!)
-Every single combo is incredibly simple and most of them are given by the bloody game
-Nobody gives a flying fuck whether you do something with pad or stick
-A lot of combos had the same start (Ken with j.EX HK mp hp, heck everybody starts with jump) and they all had the same stage, in other words no diversity

Cool video. I liked a couple of your Gouken combos.

5:30 is a little too long though. Most of your combos were kind of basic, so i’m assuming you included them just because you like the way they look. That’s fine, but if that’s the case then you have to make your edits much much quicker. Going slowly is only a good idea if you are showing very new or complicated combos that people need time to think about.

Anyway don’t let this discourage you from making another video. I’m sure you can do much better.

To quote the late, great Patches O’Houlihan: “It’s like watching a bunch of retards trying to hump a doorknob out there!”

Buy a stick, dude.

Dude, you failed on the Sagat corner ultras SO HORD.

Musical choice was awesome.

Really not anything worthy of being made into a video here.

This more or less seems like “look at me, i can do things that take no real skill on a stick and can do them on pad!!!”

seriously, execution wise there are few and far between things that you can even consider hard. you didn’t include akuma’s hk loop or anything remotely difficult (not that the hk loop is hard)

That was…good.
It really doesn’t matter whether or not you used a pad or stick, and the combos themselves were fairly simple. But keep on, I’m sure you can make spectacular videos in the future if you just keep playing.

That was very bad.

-Video quality is sub-par
-Music choice is horrible
-Video editing is stupidly simple (and wrong too!)
-Every single combo is incredibly simple and most of them are given by the bloody game
-Nobody gives a flying fuck whether you do something with pad or stick

well man … im not a Professional on Sony vegas and video edit … im a simple player…

Thanx to all for you answer i Promise i will make a powerfull combos in the future
i show to us :smiley:

i donthave any idea on the sf Game i like the SF 4 for that i play i like it… the other… i play sf 4 only… 2 mounts … for me is a cool video :smiley:

well :D! THanx ;D

Good effort.

damn and on a pad? nice work