Combos and Timing, and Wake-ups?

A few questions, I’m a bit unsure of a few things:

  1. Let’s say I do a cross-up combo of j. lk > cr. mp > whatever. Now, I could be pressing the inputs as fast as humanly possible, but they sometimes still come out delayed. I’ll use this combo as an example, which I like to use:

j. lk cross up > cr. mp > cr. short > fierce Hooligan

When its at the correct speed, it connects and the enemy is stuck in a block animation. This allows me to Hooligan. When its delayed, there is a possibility of being countered. To me it feels like I’m always pushing the buttons as fast as I can, so what’s so different?

  1. For wake-ups and other things. Are wake-ups always possible? I feel like sometimes I’ll do my usual F, D, DF + k for my reversal attack, but instead the enemy will do (for example) a sweep that will just hit me and my move won’t come out. Is it just my timing or is the sweep taking me out of my move?
  1. If you press buttons too fast in combos sometimes the moves wont come out because they have to be linked. If you don’t have the timing right your combo is screwed. More training mode will train your fingers to not do that.

  2. Yes, it’s always possible to reversal. I think your problem here is either timing or lag.

Isn’t the reversal window 1 frame? Good luck on that if there’s any lag at all.

But i really dont think thats one of her combos it sounds more like tick-throwing, if thats the case then its the same reversal time that it gives for a tick throw which should mean that you are able to get hit out of it any time as long as the other person moves, if im not mistaken i hit you with the Bisson Knee press while you were trying the crossup conn on me. I think Megamanpb got it. it has to be the lag

I think its just my timing. I’ve been doing the combo lately and its been working like a charm. Thanks for the help everyone.

When you play a fireball war do also try and do your fireballs as fast as humanly possible? Maybe you should work on your TDR.


ps. online is fucked

^ LOL!!! HAHAHAHAH, the beginning of the Zangief part had me laughing, too bad it cuts off :frowning: I miss the old days :frowning: