I decided to make this thread so that a combo “manual” could be composed to help players learn how to perform combos at all skill levels with any character (I realize that their are many combo posts in each character specific strategy section, but there is no general “rule book” that I’ve found in the ST forum). This thread is for combo specific questions, general combo info., and combo theory/game engine mechanics analysis.
The basic definition of a combo is a string of attacks that cannot be blocked if the first hit is not blocked. In SF, there are chains, links, cancels, supers, juggles, all are based around two main principles: Timing & Range
I’m going to give basic definitions here that anyone can elaborate on or alter if they see fit. Combos are caused by computer glitches that were never fixed in SFII (thank god) but left hidden.
Chain: a chain combo is performed when the same attack button is pressed repeatedly in fast repetition (jabs, and shorts)
Links: a link is where two different attack buttons can be pressed with correct timing so that both attacks combo [i.e. you completely recover from one attack and have time to execute another to combo] (ex. Ken c.strong~c.FowardK, Guile, c.strong~c.fowardK)
Cancels: a cancel simply interrupting one move by inputting another move that cancels the first one (a move must be cancelable in order to combo). Kara canceling is when you interrupt a normal move with a special or super before the animation begins (you will still hear the sound of the canceled move). There are many types of cancels including Kara canceling, and specifically for ST Renda Kara canceling. The key with renda kara canceling is that you cancel the chained weak attack, with the button for the special/super (you have to alternate on the canceled weak attack depending on your starting position, either cr. or st.) (ex. ken cr.jabxxDP, and Renda ex. ken cr.short*2xxSuper)
Juggles: Some characters (all except T.Hawk and Gief) have some move(s) that are juggle-able (i.e. they can be repeated in the air depending on certain rules). “After being hit by a juggle-able move, any juggle-able special move can juggle for up to 2 hits (except Sagat’s Tiger Uppercut, which can juggle for up to 4 hits). Any non-throw super can juggle for up to 4 hits.” -NKI wiki
Supers: Super moves are complex button input commands that cause the character to perform a super move that has shadows; all the hits combo together automatically (whether they all hit or not depends on many things).
Here are some reference web sites:
www.sonichurricane.com/forums/ - lots of advance talk here
http://www.gamefaqs.com/coinop/arcade/file/583631/852 (TZW vid #7)
One of the things that drew me to ST was the devastating combos that can be unleashed (specifically TOD and “crazy” combos). The fact that your life drains so quickly in ST is what makes them so entertaining to watch and execute. The level of skill required to execute combos ranges from the easiest (chains IMO) to the ones that require extensive setup and practice.
Here’s a video I think every combo enthusiast will appreciate, a TZW tribute video from Majestros (have’nt seen it listed anywhere else): http://youtube.com/watch?v=53xu4oBqrgU