I was just practicing in training mode with some basic bnb’s and I came across something that is kind of odd. I’m not sure if this has been said before or not but I thought I’d post anyway (New to SRK). I was doing c.lk c.lp c.mp --> FK and I noticed that whichever FK I did it would do the same amount of damage. Always 172, and the flash kick always did 56 damage whichever version I did.
After that I tried to see if I could replace the c.mp with a c.lp to see if it was an easier link or chain (was never good at telling the difference), it turns out that if you do c.lk, c.lp, c.lp --> heavy FK it actually does more damage than using c.mp. And it actually matters which FK you do to get more damage in.
With light FK: 154 (FK did 70 dmg)
With medium FK: 168 (FK did 84 dmg)
With heavy FK: 175 (FK did 91 dmg)
Even as I’m typing I just realized using c.lp instead of c.mp does more stun as well.
Shouldn’t using c.lp do less damage and stun? I was wondering if someone had an answer for this. I know it’s not a huge deal damage or stun wise. But I’ve been using Guile ever since Vanilla and I’ve never noticed this or seen it posted anywhere.